
"....semua makhluk ciptaan Tuhan samada manusia,binatang,tumbuhan, alam semulajadi dan sebagainya,saling perlu memerlukan,saling bantu-membantu kerana mereka berkait,terikat antara satu sama lain dalam satu kitaran yang berhubungan. Justeru, jangan diputuskan ikatan itu, kelak, seluruh kitaran akan musnah..." Ahmad Rais Johari
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sepertimana kamu menggangap bulan
ini dan kota ini sebagai suci, maka
anggaplah jiwa dan harta setiap orang
muslimin sebagai amanah yang suci.
Kembalikan harta kamu yang
diamanahkan kepada kamu
kepada pemiliknya yang HAK.
Janganlah kamu menyakiti sesiapa pun
agar orang lain tidak menyakiti kamu pula.
Ingatlah sesungguhnya kamu akan
menemui Tuhan kamu, dan dia PASTI
akan membuat perhitungan diatas
amalan kamu
Allah telah mengharamkan riba. Oleh itu
segala urusan yang melibatkan riba dibatalkan
mulai sekarang.
-Khutbah pada 9hb Zulhijjah tahun 10 Hijrah di lembah Gunung Arafah-
The story of the People of the Cave - By Sheikh Imran Hossein
The schedule of the event is as follows:
Topic: Time and Spatial Domain Analysis of the Story of People of the Cave
Date: June 2nd, 2011
Venue: Main Auditorium, E3 building, Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia.
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
Speaker: Sheikh Imran Hossein
Admission is Free.
For further information/RSVP, kindly contact :
Abiodun Musa AIBINU,
Microsoft cuts Asterisk ties--What are the open source Skype alternatives?
Microsoft has ended its deal to let the open source Asterisk PBX system work with Skype as of July 26, perhaps due to the launch of its own competing service.
When Microsoft paid $8.5 billion for Skype two weeks ago, they promised to hold it as a separate division and continue supporting non-Microsoft platforms, but users have been skeptical. It didn't take long for the tune to start to change. Maybe somebody should have asked for a pinky swear.
Where should an open source user turn instead? Earlier this week, the GNU Project announced GNU Free Call as an open source alternative, even calling Skype out by name in the project's mission:
Our goal is to make GNU Free Call ubiquitous in a manner and level of usability similar to Skype, that is, usable on all platforms, and directly by the general public for all manner of secure communication between known and anonymous parties, but without requiring a central service provider to register with, without using insecure source secret binary protocols that may have back-doors, and without having network control points of any kind that can be exploited or abused by external parties. By doing so as a self organizing meshed calling network, we further eliminate potential service control points such as through explicit routing peers even if networks are isolated in civil emergencies.
We do recognize this project has significant long term social and political implications. It also offers potentially essential utility in public service by enabling the continuation of emergency services without requiring existing communication infrastructure. There are many ordinary public service uses, such as the delivery of eHealth services, as well as medical, and legal communication, where it is essential to treat all with equal human dignity by maintaining privacy regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation. Equally important is the continuation of emergency medical services even when existing infrastructure is no longer available or has been deliberately disabled.
But GNU Free Call is the future, not something you can use today. And even though Skype was never exactly open source itself, more and more open source fans seem to be looking for ready alternatives that aren't under the Microsoft umbrella.
These are the suggestions I've seen come up on various message boards and blog posts. I haven't heard of any yet that are as user-friendly and ready-to-go as Skype. But I also don't have any experience with any of these, so I'd be interested to hear your opinions on any of the following or others that you like.
- Ekiga: Formerly GnomeMeeting
- Blink: VoiP calls, video, and chat
- Jitsi: Also supports XMPP, AIM, and other IM services
- SylkServer: SIP server and conferencing
- SFLphone: Enterprise softphone for desktop and embedded
- Linphone: VOIP client also available for Android, Blackberry, and iPhone
Kerajaan Kedah Tua Merong Mahawangsa, LAKSAMANA HANG TUAH dan Kerajaan Melayu Islam Melaka
Al-Rijalul Ghaib
Salam atas kalian, wahai tokoh-tokoh di alam ghaib;
Salam atas kalian, wahai roh-roh yang suci;
Wahai para pemimpin, wahai orang-orang mulia;
Wahai para pengawas, wahai wakil-wakil kerohanian.
Wahai pasak bumi yang empat, wahai imam dan wahai Quthub;
Wahai yang tidak memiliki tandingan, wahai orang-orang kepercayaan;
Bantulah daku dengan suatu pertolongan dan pandanglah daku dengan suatu pandangan serta kasihanilah akan daku.
Penuhilah keinginanku dan cita-citaku serta dukunglah akan daku;
Dalam memenuhi kehendakku di sisi Nabi kita Muhammad s.a.w;
Semoga Allah s.w.t senantiasa mengirimkan salam atas kalian di dunia dan akhirat;
Ya Allah, sampaikan juga salawat kepada Khidhir.
(Sebentuk salam yang disampaikan oleh Syeikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani kepada para Wali Allah yang berada di alam ghaib)
Beginilah ceritera lama itu yang diolah semula dalam versi baru seadanya.
A. Hubungkait Merong Mahawangsa dan Raja Iskandar Zulqarnain
1. Merong Mahawangsa adalah daripada nasab keturunan Raja Iskandar Zulqarnain, raja dari kerajaan Macedonia yang merupakan susur galur keturunan Nabi Sulaiman a.s serta berkahwin dengan cucunda Rasulullah s.a.w bernama Imam Hassan bin Ali bin Abi Talib. Mengamalkan ajaran agama dari Nabi Ibrahim a.s dan Nabi Khidhir a.s, Raja Iskandar Zulqarnain telah berkahwin dengan anak Raja Kida Hindi iaitu Puteri Sharul Bariah semasa baginda sampai di utara India dalam misi meluaskan pengaruh Empayar Rom di sebelah Nusantara Melayu. Perkahwinan tersebut telah memperolehi cahayamata lelaki yang diberi nama Raja Aristun Shah manakala perkahwinan Raja Aristun Shah dengan anak raja Turkistan kemudiannya dikurniakan dengan seorang anak lelaki yang bernama Raja Aftus dan seterusnya susur galur tersebut berkembang sehingga ke Merong Mahawangsa.
2. Merong Mahawangsa merupakan Raja Kedah pertama yang telah pulang semula ke Rom setelah berjaya menunaikan beberapa tanggungjawab penting seperti:
- Menabalkan putera sulungnya Raja Merong Mahapudisat menjadi Raja Siam yang pertama.
- Menabalkan putera keduanya Raja Ganjil Sarjuna sebagai Raja Perak Gangga Negara yang berpusat di Beruas.
- Menabalkan putera bongsunya Raja Seri Mahawangsa sebagai Raja Kedah yang kedua selepas kepulangannya.
- Menabalkan puteri bongsunya sebagai Raja Patani yang pertama.
- Menukar nama Negeri Langkasuka kepada Negeri Kalaha Kedah Zamin Turan.
3. Sejak dari zaman Raja Kedah II lagi, sudah bermulanya tradisi menghantar hadiah bunga emas dan perak kepada Raja Siam I sebagai tanda rasa hormat kepada kekanda sulung baginda serta juga setiap kali Raja Siam mendapat cahayamata. Tradisi ini bukannya sebagai ufti dari negeri-negeri jajahan takluk sepertimana yang disalah anggap oleh sesetengah pihak untuk sekian lama.
B. Salasilah Raja-Raja Kerajaan Kedah Tua
1. Berikut merupakan turutan raja-raja yang berasal dari keturunan Merong Mahawangsa:
- Raja Kedah II bernama Raja Seri Mahawangsa.
- Raja Kedah III bernama Sri Paduka Maharaja Durbar Raja yang memerintah pada tahun 1230 Masihi dan telah memeluk Islam pada tahun 1236 Masihi melalui gerakan dakwah yang dibawa oleh Syeikh Abdullah bin Syeikh Ahmad bin Sheikh Jaafar Kumiri dari Negeri Shahir, Yaman yang sampai di Negeri Kalaha melalui Sungai Merbok. Baginda telah menukar nama Islam kepada Sultan Sulaiman Saidin dan menukarkan nama Negeri Kalaha kepada Negeri Kedah Darulaman.
- Raja Kedah IV bernama Raja Syahibul Khalid Abdullah yang merupakan putera sulung Sultan Sulaiman Saidin.
- Raja Kedah V dikenali sebagai Raja Seri Maha Inderawangsa yang diberi gelaran Siam sebagai Raja Ong Maha Perita Deria yang bergelar Raja Bersiong. Diputerakan pada petang Jumaat tahun 1244 Masihi oleh bondanya Raja Alawiyah, nama sebenarnya adalah Raja J.S. ibni Almarhum Raja Syahibul Khalid Abdullah yang mula memerintah pada tahun 1262 Masihi pada usia 18 tahun.
- Raja Kedah VI adalah Raja Tengku Hisyam Badrol Halim yang memakai gelaran Siam sebagai Raja Phra Ong Mahapudisat, merupakan putera sulung Raja Bersiong yang menaiki tahta pada tahun 1321 Masihi. Beliau merupakan raja terakhir dalam salasilah keturunan Merong Mahawangsa.
2. Kelangsungan susur galur pemerintahan beraja Merong Mahawangsa tamat di tahta yang ke-enam pada tahun 1321 Masihi apabila pemerintah kerajaan Majapahit waktu itu, Patih Gadjah Mada mengusir Raja Kedah VI dari tahta baginda kerana bimbang dengan pengaruh kerajaan Siam yang kuat lalu diganti oleh putera sulung kepada Raja Bharubhasa iaitu Raja Ibrahim dengan memakai gelaran Phra Ong Mahawangsa. Ditabalkan sebagai Raja Kedah VII bergelar Sultan Ibrahim Shah pada tahun 1321 Masihi juga, kesinambungan sistem pemerintahan beraja Islam Kedah berterusan sehingga ke hari ini di bawah pemerintahan Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah.
C. Riwayat Hidup Laksamana Hang Tuah dan Para Sahabatnya
1. Laksamana Hang Tuah dilahirkan di Sik, Kedah pada tahun 1256 Masihi dan merupakan anak tunggal bagi pasangan Dato Panglima III Zakaria dan Intan Melati Kesuma Dermawa yang berdarah raja. Nama sebenar Hang Tuah adalah A.S dan mula berhijrah ke Kelantan pada usia 9 tahun sehingga mencapai umur 15 tahun serta tinggal bersama ibu angkatnya yang secara kebetulan ibu kepada adik beradik rupawan terkenal iaitu Wan Malini dan kakaknya Wan Empok atau nama sebenarnya Hala Ayu Ana Malina.
2. Pada masa yang sama, Sheikh Muhammad Saman juga sedang berdakwah di Kelantan dan Hang Tuah sempat berguru ilmu kerohanian (tasawuf) dengannya bersama-sama beberapa para kiyai Wali Songo seangkatan pertama yang lain. Ketika berusia 18 tahun, Hang Tuah kemudiannya merantau mengikut mahagurunya Sheikh Muhammad Saman ke Pulau Besar, Melaka bertujuan mendalami ilmu suluk (batin dan laduni). Terdapat juga di kalangan para kiyai Wali Songo yang datang menuntut ilmu kerohanian di situ. Di pulau bersejarah inilah merupakan titik pertemuan Hang Tuah dengan empat pahlawan terbilang Melaka iaitu Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir dan Hang Lekiu.
3. Ketika umur mereka sekitar 15 hingga 18 tahun di mana Hang Lekiu yang paling muda manakala Hang Tuah yang paling tua, mereka berlima kemudiannya bersumpah setia atas ikatan persaudaraan yang kekal abadi di atas sebuah bukit yang sekarang dikenali dengan nama Bukit St. Paul, Bandar Hilir, Melaka. Semasa dalam tempoh perguruan tersebut, mahaguru mereka telah berkias akan terjadi suatu peristiwa bilamana nanti 'salah seorang dari mereka akan mati di tangan salah seorang dari kalangan mereka berlima'.
4. Hang Tuah kembali semula ke Kedah dalam lingkungan usia antara 25 dan 26 tahun untuk mengahwini Raja Maznun Mazni binti Raja Azman Shah yang merupakan sepupu kepada isteri Raja Long Alwi. Secara kebetulan, Raja Long Alwi adalah anak saudara kepada Raja Bersiong dan merupakan putera sulung kepada adinda Raja Bersiong iaitu Raja Zulkarnain ibni Almarhum Raja Syahibul Khalid Abdullah. Tujuan pernikahan ini adalah untuk mengeratkan hubungan kekeluargaan Hang Tuah dengan kerabat diraja Kedah ketika itu.
5. Perkahwinan kedua Hang Tuah adalah dengan Raja Intan Maimunah binti Raja Ibrahim Malik yang merupakan anak saudara kepada Wan Malini. Keturunan isteri keduanya berasal dari Kedah tetapi sudah lama menetap di negeri Kelantan serta ada yang telah berkahwin dengan kerabat diraja Kelantan. Kedua-dua perkahwinan Hang Tuah tersebut tidak dikurniakan sebarang zuriat. Sebagai mengubati kesepiannya tanpa kehadiran anak kandung di sisi, beliau banyak menghabiskan masa bersama-sama adik angkatnya yang bernama Panglima Dewa Hassan Sabri yang merupakan kenalan rapat sepupunya, Panglima Dewa Ismail Shah.
6. Hang Jebat lahir dalam tahun 1257 Masihi yang nama sebenarnya adalah H.S. Beliau berasal dari Gunung Semanggol manakala Hang Lekir berasal dari Gua Tempurung, Perak. Mereka berdua mempunyai pertalian darah yang rapat kerana berasal dari negeri yang sama. Hang Kasturi pula berasal dari kawasan Gunung Senyum, Temerloh, Pahang manakala Hang Lekiu seorang sahaja yang merupakan anak jati Melaka yang berasal dari Merlimau.
7. Mengikut manuskrip lama, hanya Hang Jebat dan Hang Lekiu yang telah berkahwin dan mempunyai zuriat. Hang Jebat berkahwin dengan kerabat diraja Melaka iaitu Puteri Khatijah Syuhada yang merupakan anak kepada pasangan Megat Amin Hassan dan Raja Mariam. Perkahwinan Hang Jebat dengan kerabat diraja Melaka tersebut telah dikurniakan seorang putera kacak bernama Hang Mustaffa Jamil. Hang Lekiu pula telah berkahwin dengan orang kebanyakan bernama Siti Aisyah dan memperolehi anak lelaki bernama Alang Kesuma serta anak perempuan bernama Habsyah Melati manakala Hang Kasturi dan Hang Lekir tidak berkahwin sama sekali. Hang Tuah yang mempunyai dua isteri iaitu dari Kedah dan Kelantan juga tidak dikurniakan sebarang zuriat.
D. Laksamana Hang Tuah dan Mahaguru Adiputra di Bukit Tinggi Batu
1. Ketika berlakunya rampasan kuasa di Kedah semasa tahta susur galur Merong Mahawangsa yang ke-enam iaitu Raja Tengku Hisyam Badrol Halim atas campurtangan pemerintah kerajaan Majapahit, Patih Gadjah Mada dalam tahun 1321 Masihi, Hang Tuah berkesempatan pulang dari Melaka untuk mempertahankan tahta pemerintahan waris Raja Bersiong di Kedah itu. Disebabkan angkatan tentera Majapahit terlalu kuat dan demi menyelamatkan keris miliknya, Sampariau 1 pemberian mahaguru Sheikh Muhammad Saman dari dirampas oleh hulubalang Majapahit, Hang Tuah telah meloloskan diri balik semula ke Melaka. Dalam perjalanan pulang, beliau dipercayai mendaki Bukit Tinggi Batu melalui anak sungai untuk sampai ke puncak yang bertujuan singgah berehat sebentar di sebuah gua yang terdapat di situ.
2. Sedang Hang Tuah asyik berehat akibat keletihan, tiba-tiba muncul seorang lelaki tua gagah perkasa berada di hadapannya sambil bertanya apakah gerangan beliau termenung di situ? Setelah memperkenalkan diri, Hang Tuah pun menceritakan perihal peristiwa rampasan kuasa di negeri Kedah oleh angkatan tentera Majapahit. Orang gagah perkasa itu berkata yang beliau juga berasal dari Kota Kedah dan pernah menjadi panglima kepada Sultan Sulaiman Saidin iaitu nenda Raja Bersiong ketika itu. Lalu dia memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Dato Shahibul Mutalib yang juga digelar sebagai Adiputra. Selepas itu, Bukit Tinggi Batu yang terletak dalam daerah Rembau, Negeri Sembilan telah beberapa kali bertukar nama kepada Gunung Rembau dan akhirnya Gunung Datuk yang berkemungkinan memperingati kewujudan tapak kaki kanan mahaguru Adiputra.
3. Mahaguru Adiputra telah berkahwin dengan kerabat diraja Kedah tetapi tidak mendapat restu dari pihak keluarga isterinya akibat berlainan darjat lalu membawa diri bertapa dalam gua pada sebuah gunung di Inderapura iaitu nama lama untuk negeri Pahang. Maka dipelawanya Hang Tuah berguru seketika dengannya dan beliau bersetuju mengikut mahaguru Adiputra ke gunung tersebut untuk diperturunkan ilmu kebatinan dan persilatan tahap tertinggi. Bekas tapak kaki Hang Tuah yang sebenarnya berada berhampiran perigi Hang Tuah di Melaka manakala satu lagi telah dikesan berada di dalam hutan tebal tidak jauh dari Rompin, Pahang.
E. Laksamana Hang Tuah dan Keris Sampariau 1 (Tamingsari)
1. Hang Tuah dan Raja Bersiong hidup sezaman di mana beliau berusia 12 tahun lebih muda dari baginda. Raja Bersiong yang berkahwin dengan Tuan Puteri Kesuma Bidasari adalah seorang pemerintah yang warak lalu ghaib sebaik sahaja melepaskan tahta kepada putera sulungnya pada tahun 1321 Masihi, dipercayai sebagai Wali Allah berdasarkan kesungguhan dan jasanya dalam mengembangkan agama Islam kepada ribuan rakyat jelata yang pada masa itu masih berpegang teguh pada ajaran Hindu dan Buddha.
2. Selepas berlaku rampasan kuasa ke atas tahta Raja Tengku Hisyam Badrol Halim, Raja Bersiong yang berhubung secara metafizik dengan Hang Tuah telah pergi ke pusat pemerintahan kerajaan Majapahit di Jawa Timur pada sekitar penghujung tahun 1321 Masihi. Ketika itu, Hang Tuah berusia 65 tahun dan terus bertempur dengan panglima Majapahit, Pendeta Tamingsari yang kononnya handal dan kebal.
3. Setelah menamatkan riwayat hidup Pendeta Tamingsari dengan kerisnya sendiri serta di atas permintaan mahaguru Adiputra, Hang Tuah telah menamakan semula keris Sampariau 1 kepada Tamingsari sebagai sindiran akan keangkuhan kerajaan Majapahit yang ketika itu masih berkuasa di Tanah Jawa. Kerajaan Majapahit beransur lemah dan terus lenyap dengan penubuhan kerajaan Islam berdaulat Demak-Binturo di Jawa Timur yang diterajui oleh Sunan Giri, salah seorang kiyai dalam Wali Songo.
4. Keris Sampariau berluk 13 telah dihadiahkan oleh mahaguru Sheikh Muhammad Saman ketika Hang Tuah berusia 18 tahun lagi sebelum beliau berhijrah ke Melaka. Pada asalnya keris ini berwarna putih keperakan dengan ulu keris ini diperbuat dari emas, perak dan suasa sebagai melambangkan tiga negeri; Kedah, Kelantan dan Perak. Hang Tuah mempunyai sejumlah tiga bilah keris hasil pemberian dari mahagurunya yang diberi nama Sampariau 1, Sampariau 2 dan Sampariau 3 manakala keris Sampariau 1 atau Tamingsari sahaja yang paling masyhur.
F. Keturunan Kerajaan Kedah Tua Merong Mahawangsa Berpindah ke Pulau Jawa
1. Selepas berlakunya rampasan kuasa tersebut, pasangan Raja Kedah VI iaitu Raja Tengku Hisyam Badrol Halim dan isterinya Wan Kesumal Bariah Hidayah, adinda lelakinya Raja Shuib Halim Shah serta kaum keluarga telah berpindah ke Bukit Ambun berhampiran Tasik Pawajanggi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Tempat itu sekarang dikenali sebagai Purwakarta yang terletak di tenggara bandaraya Jakarta. Pasangan Raja Kedah VI yang berpindah ini kemudiannya dikurniakan dengan tiga orang cahayamata di mana salah seorang daripadanya iaitu Tunku Pengiran Adnan Shah yang telah mengasaskan salasilah keturunan pemerintahan kerajaan berdaulat Brunei Darussalam sehingga ke Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah sekarang ini.
2. Antara yang mengiringi baginda ke Tanah Jawa adalah Raja Long Alwi iaitu anak saudara Raja Bersiong yang masih bujang. Raja Long Alwi kemudiannya berkahwin dengan puteri raja dari Pulau Jambi iaitu Raja Halimah Saadiah binti Raja Baharuddin Iskandar dan dikurniakan tiga orang cahayamata. Raja Baharuddin Iskandar asalnya juga dari Kedah sebelum berhijrah ke Pulau Jambi manakala sepupu Raja Halimah Saadiah iaitu Raja Maznun Mazni yang menjadi isteri pertama Hang Tuah masih tinggal di Kedah sehingga ke akhir hayatnya.
3. Puteri bongsu kesayangan pasangan baginda Raja Bersiong dan permaisurinya Tuan Puteri Kesuma Bidasari diberi nama Puteri Bongsu Haidatul Hidayah yang mempunyai rupa paras sangat rupawan tetapi terdapat kecacatan fizikal iaitu agak tempang sedikit bila berjalan. Beliau telah mengikut datuk saudaranya Sultan Muhammad ibni Almarhum Sultan Sulaiman Saidin, pemerintah kerajaan Lukut I untuk terus tinggal menetap di situ buat selama-lamanya.
4. Panglima Hitam yang nama sebenarnya A.J merupakan orang yang terawal membuka penempatan di Pulau Langkawi dan pernah tinggal beberapa ketika di Perak. Beliau dan Hang Tuah telah berjaya mencabut tiga batang siong iaitu dua di atas dan satu di bawah yang tumbuh pada rahang Raja Bersiong serta berjaya membuangnya di suatu daerah bernama Singgora iaitu nama lama untuk Songkhla, Siam. Sehingga kini, masih terdapat nama Gerbang Hang Tuah tercatat di pintu masuk Masjid Kerisek di selatan Siam sebagai bukti kehadirannya di sana.
5. Punca utama tiga batang siong yang tumbuh itu adalah disebabkan baginda melanggar pantang larang dan sumpah janji dengan seorang kiyai Wali Songo yang memperturunkan ilmu kebatinan tahap tertinggi. Namun hasrat itu telah dibantah oleh ayahanda baginda dan meminta agar ditinggalkan amalan kebatinan tersebut serta merta pada peringkat separuh jalan sahaja.
6. Antara lain jasa Hang Tuah yang utama adalah memainkan peranan penting dari aspek kerohanian dan metafizikal dengan menolong Hang Nadim dalam misi membawa pulang Tun Teja (Puteri Ratna Benggala), anak bendahara kerajaan Inderapura yang kini dikenali sebagai negeri Pahang untuk dijodohkan dengan Sultan Mahmud dari Melaka. Ketika peristiwa itu berlaku, Hang Tuah telah pun lama diisytiharkan ghaib.
G. Laksamana Hang Tuah Difitnah Semasa Zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.
1. Kesultanan Melayu Melaka sebenarnya diasaskan oleh Parameswara dalam kurun ke-14 lagi dan bukannya pada tahun 1402 Masihi dalam kurun ke-15 seperti yang tercatat pada sejarah moden. Kehebatan Hang Tuah menumbangkan panglima kebal Tamingsari di Majapahit telah menimbulkan rasa kurang senang dan iri hati di kalangan sesetengah individu. Ketika Hang Tuah difitnah dan dijatuhi hukuman bunuh, Sultan Mansur Shah pada ketika itu telah memerintah Seri Nara Diraja Tun Ali untuk melaksanakan hukuman tersebut secepat mungkin. Berita sedih itu telah sampai ke pengetahuan Wali Allah iaitu Panglima Hitam lalu melarikan beliau melalui Kuala Melaka dan seterusnya menetap di satu tempat bernama Ulu Melaka, Langkawi. Di sini, Hang Tuah telah mendalamkan lagi ilmu kesufiannya kerana sudah tidak ada gangguan dari tugasan rasminya sebagai laksamana Melaka yang telah dilucutkan jawatan.
2. Perkhabaran buruk Hang Tuah dihukum bunuh telah sampai ke pengetahuan sahabat karibnya, Hang Jebat yang telah mengamuk selama beberapa hari dan malam di istana Sultan Melaka. Amukan Hang Jebat dengan niat menuntut bela di atas kematian sahabat seperguruannya memang begitu dashyat sekali. Terdapat dayang istana yang tidak sempat melarikan diri telah ditangkap oleh Hang Jebat lalu ditusuknya keris beliau bermula dari mulut sehingga berakhir di saluran peranakan bawah yang mengakibatkan perut dayang tersebut terburai manakala jasadnya terbelah dua!
3. Hang Tuah kembali semula ke Melaka semasa usianya hampir mencecah 100 tahun ketika diminta bertarung dengan Hang Jebat akibat penderhakaannya terhadap Sultan Melaka ketika itu. Hang Tuah yang terkenal dengan lafaz keramatnya 'Tak Melayu Hilang Di Dunia' telah menghilangkan diri selepas peristiwa pembunuhan Hang Jebat. Beliau amat menyesal atas kejadian itu kerana mereka berlima telah bersumpah taat setia sehidup semati sebagai sahabat sejati. Lantas Hang Tuah telah membawa diri bertapa dalam sebuah gua di salah sebuah gunung dalam negeri Inderapura dan dipercayai ghaib sebagai Wali Allah selepas itu. Jenazah pahlawan Hang Jebat sebagai pembela dan lambang sahabat sejati yang disalahertikan sebagai penderhaka telah disemadikan di satu kawasan yang berhampiran dengan tebing Sungai Kesang, Merlimau, Melaka yang bersempadanan dengan daerah Muar, Johor.
H. Kebangkitan Semula Islam di Nusantara Melayu
1. Saiyid Hussein Jamadil Al-Kubra adalah seorang manusia pilihan dari keturunan yang mulia dan telah meramalkan rantau Nusantara Melayu merangkumi Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapura, Filipina, Thailand, Kemboja, Laos, Vietnam dan selatan China sebagai pusat kebangkitan semula tamadun Islam dari sebelah timur dengan merujuk kepada sebuah hadis Rasulullah s.a.w yakni 'pada suatu masa nanti, umatku dari Timur Jauh akan memimpin dunia'. Ramalan ini juga telah dibahaskan oleh para intelektual dan cendikiawan Islam seperti pemikir terkemuka Algeria, Malik Bennabi yang menyatakan akan wujud tamadun Islam yang hebat serta saling silih berganti.
2. Semoga perkahwinan nasab keturunan cucunda Rasulullah s.a.w yang dipertemukan jodoh dengan susur galur keturunan penakluk agung Raja Iskandar Zulqarnain akan membawa kembali segala keberkatan di rantau Nusantara Melayu yang bertuah ini sebagaimana Allah s.w.t telah menjanjikan sinar Islam akan pasti terbit semula dari sebelah timur rantau bertuah bergelar Darussalam ini nanti. Mungkinkah selepas genap 500 tahun kejatuhan Empayar Melayu Islam Melaka dalam tahun 1511?
(Sumber - Balancing The Geoid (IV): Kerajaan Kedah Tua Merong Mahawangsa, LAKSAMANA HANG TUAH dan Kerajaan Melayu Islam Melaka) by Suhaimi Hj. Yusoff)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Useful link for PFI Project
Guidance and support
- Cabinet Office Efficiency and Reform Group (formerly Office of Government Commerce)
- Local Partnerships
Audit bodies
Budgeting and accounting for PPP/PFI transactions
Devolved administrations
- Finance Directorate, Scottish Government
- Scottish Futures Trust
- Strategic Planning, Finance and Performance, Welsh Assembly
- Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (Northern Ireland)
- Strategic Investment Board, Northern Ireland
International links
Link for construction industry information
Accelerating Change in Built Environment Education (ACBEE)
Architects Registration Board (ARB)
Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE)
Association for Project Management (APM)
Association for Project Safety (APS)
Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP)
Association of Building Engineers (ABE)
Association of Civil Engineering Departments (ACED)
Association of Consultant Approved Inspectors (ACAI)
Association of Consultant Architects (ACA)
Association of Consultant Building Surveyors (ACBS)Association of Cost Engineers (ACostE)
Association of Interior Specialists (AIS)
Awarding Body for the Built Environment (ABBE)
BBathroom Manufacturers Association (BMA)
Be (Collaborating for the Built Environment)
BERR - New Orders in the Construction Industry
Brick Development Association (BDA)
Bristol Society of Architects | Bristol & Bath Branch RIBA
British Association of Construction Heads (BACH)
British Board of Agrément (BBA)
British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd (BCSA)
British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM)
British Institute of Interior Design (BIID)
British Plastics Federation (BPF)
British Property Federation (BPF)
British Wood Preserving and Damp-proofing Association
British Woodworking Federation (BWF)
Building Control Performance Standards
Building Cost Information Service (BCIS)
Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA)
Careers in ConstructionCentre for e-Business in Construction (CITE)
Centre for Education in the Built Environment (CEBE)
Centre for Window and Cladding Technology
Change the face of construction
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT)
Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)
Chartered Institute of Marketing Construction Industry Group (CIMCIG)
Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE)
Chartered Institute of purchasing and supply (CIPS)
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT)
Chartered Surveyors Training Trust (CSTT)
Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA)
Co-Construct web site - Construction portal linking the main membership based research associations (TRADA, SCI, BSRIA, CIRIA, Concrete Society)
Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)
Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
Conference on Training in Architectural Conservation (COTAC)
Considerate Constructors Scheme
Construction Benchmarking Gateway
Construction Clients Group (CCG)
Construction Health & Safety Group (CHSG)
Construction Industry Computing Association (CICA)
Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA)
Construction Industry Scaffolding Record Scheme (CISRS)
Construction Industry Standing Conference (CISC)
Construction Industry Training Board in Northern Ireland (CITBNI)
Construction Knowledge Exchange
Construction Licensing Executive
Construction Plant-hire Association
Construction Products Association
Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS)
Construction Youth Trust (CYT)
Consultant Quantity Surveyors Association (CQSA)
Continuing Personal/Professional Development (CPD)
Contract Flooring Association (CFA)
Council of Heads of Built Environment (CHoBE)
CRASH - the construction and property industry charity for the single homeless
DDistrict Surveyors Association (DSA)
EElectrical Contractors Association (ECA)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
European Construction Institute (ECI)
Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors (FPWS)
Federation of Environmental Trade Associations (FETA)
Federation of Master Builders (FMB)
Federation of Property Societies (FPS)
Forum for the Built Environment (FBE)
Foundation For The Built Environment (FBE)
GGender and the Built Environment Database
Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF)
Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI)
Gypsum Products Development Association (GPDA)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Heating and Ventilating Contractors' Association (HVCA)
Housebuilders Federation (HBF)
Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate (ICWCI)
Institute of Construction Management (ICM)
Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE)
Institute of Maintenance and Building Management (IMBM)
Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES)
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
Institution of Structural Engineers
International Group for Lean Construction
JJoint Industry Board for the Electrical Contracting Industry
Local Government Association (LGA)
Local Government Technical Advisers Group (TAG)
London District Surveyors Association (LDSA)
MMaterials Information Exchange
NNational Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC)
National Federation of Builders (NFB)
National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC)
National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC)
National Health Service (NHS) Estates
National Health Service (NHS) ProCure21
National House-Building Council (NHBC)
National Housing Federation (NHF)
National Specialist Contractors Council (NSCC)
NetRegs - guidance on environmental regulations for the construction and building trade
Network of Construction Creativity Clubs
New Construction Research Innovation Strategy Panel (nCRISP)
OOffice of Government Commerce (OGC)
PPainting & Decorating Association (PDA)
Planning Engineers Organisation (PEO)
Q RRethinking Construction The report of the Construction Task Force to the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, on the scope for improving the quality and efficiency of UK construction.
Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS)
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Royal School of Military Engineering (RSME)
Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)
SSELECT (Electrical Contractors Association of Scotland)
Society of Construction Law (SCL)
Specialist Engineering Contractors Group (SECG)
SPONGE A network of young property and construction professionals who share an interest in sustainable development
Standing Conference of Heads of Schools of Architecture (SCHOSA)
Steel Construction Institute (SCI)
Steel Window Association (SWA)
Strategic Forum for Construction (SFfC)
TTechnology and Construction Courts Bar Association (TECBAR)
Technology and Construction Solicitors' Association (TeCSA)
The Institute of Demolition Engineers (IDE)
UUK Green Building Council (UK-GBC)
UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology
VValue Engineering Analysis and Management Academic Community
WSkype Ends Support For Open-Source Digium Asterisk VOIP PBX
Skype has terminated its partnership with Digium, effectively killing Skype for Asterisk, which integrated the VOIP service with the open-source telephony platform.
Two weeks after Microsoft said it would acquire Skype, the voice over IP company has begun cutting its ties with the open-source world. Asterisk was the first partner cut loose.
Skype decided not to renew its agreement with Digium, which allowed Asterisk, the open-source telephony system, to be integrated with the Skype service, Digium said May 25 in a letter to users. Digium is behind most of the work on Asterisk and sells commercial products based on the platform. Skype for Asterisk uses some proprietary code from Digium to connect the two products.
"It includes proprietary software from Skype that allows Asterisk to join the Skype network as a native client. Skype has decided not to renew the agreement that permits us to package this proprietary software,” according to Digium’s letter.
Skype for Asterisk sales and activations will end on July 26, but Skype has promised to continue supporting and maintaining the software for two more years. Skype may extend this time period “at their discretion.”
Many businesses and governments around the world rely on Asterisk for its free and flexible PBX to power their VOIP deployments. The integration with Skype gave access to low-cost voice and video calls without complex integration. After July 26, new Asterisk users will not be able to connect to the Skype network.
Skype may be moving away from Asterisk because Microsoft is expected to launch a Microsoft-hosted version of its Lync unified communications server this summer. Asterisk competes directly with Lync.
Digium may have seen this one coming, as the CEO predicted shortly after the $8.53 billion deal was announced on May 13 that Microsoft may “wall-off” Skype from competing products. Microsoft’s tendency toward “notoriously proprietary tactics” will slow the development of Skype as a business tool, Danny Windham, Digium’s CEO, wrote on the company blog.
“Microsoft plus Skype equals Microsoft,” Windham wrote.
While it may be easy to pin down Skype’s decision as yet another example of Microsoft trying to shut down the open-source community, Tim Panton, a Skype developer, pointed out on his blog that Skype for Asterisk has been dying slowly for a while because of issues with scalability and maintenance. Skype had “hobbled” the product with a number of license restrictions and the company delayed development, according to Panton.
“Skype probably never envisaged renewing, so when it came due, they pulled the plug,” Panton said.
“I do love a good conspiracy, and it would be great to pin this on Microsoft,” wrote Dave Michels, president of Verge1 Consulting, specializing in PBX strategies. However, Michels noted that it was unlikely Microsoft was calling the shots when the deal hadn’t even closed yet.
Michels also pointed out that while Asterisk is open source, Skype is not, so claiming Microsoft will ruin Skype because of its anti-open-source stance is “hypocritical jabberwocky.” Skype uses its own clients, its own codecs, its own signaling and its own firmware licensed to hardware partners. It does not interface with any other networks or equipment other than basic voice services. “If anything, Skype might teach MS a thing or two about being proprietary,” Michels said.
A Gartner analyst agreed that Skype’s decision had nothing to do with Microsoft. This is a sign Skype will open up its service to other telephony platforms via Skype Connect, Steve Blood, research vice president and agenda manager at Gartner, told eWEEK. While Skype for Asterisk was a bit deeper than what Skype Connect (formerly Skype for SIP) offers for other telephony platforms, it's a "stronger business proposition" for Skype to offer more customers Connect than to support a proprietary product for a specific vendor, according to Blood.
"I don't think Skype for Asterisk was compelling enough, nor did it generate enough money for Skype to continue to support it," Blood said.
Skype Connect currently works with telephony systems for Avaya, ShoreTel, and Cisco, among others. Digium will be validating Skype Connect next month, according to Blood, so Asterisk customers will continue to have some Skype support.
(Source - http://www.eweek.com)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Current Questions and Answer about PFI
PFI is a procurement method where the private sector finances, builds and operates infrastructure and provides long term facilities management through long term concession agreements. These agreements transfer substantial risks to the private sector in return for payments over the concession life which is usually at least 25 years. Payment is only made if services are delivered according to the requirements of the concession agreement.
The Private Finance Initiative (PFI) was established by the Conservative Government by in 1992. It was aimed at improving the poor public sector track record in infrastructure procurement and its associated long term management. In 1997 the new Labour government decided to continue with PFI and provided the resources within the Treasury and government departments to set priorities, improve the basis of project selection and develop both the process and a standard contract.
In 2003, the National Audit Office estimated that 73% of procurement under traditional methods of procurement was delivered over budget and 70% was late.
PFI was a challenge to both the public and the private sectors to change the way infrastructure was procured and to overcome long established adversarial relationships and low levels of trust that existed between the two sectors. Today relationships between the public and private sector generally work very well and in this regard PFI has achieved one of its purposes. It also has succeeded in significantly improving the way public services are being delivered even within the public sector.
A PFI project involves a long-term, usually 25 year, contractual arrangement between public and private sector parties through a concession agreement.
The private sector agrees to finance and build an infrastructure project such as a hospital, school, road or prison and to provide long term lifecycle investment and routine maintenance services sometimes together with ‘soft services’ such as catering and cleaning. In return, it receives a semi annual payment stream over the life of the concession from the public sector client provided it delivers the services to the specification set out in the concession agreement. So there is no payment for poor delivery or performance.
PFI is one of the largest, if not the largest, infrastructure sector in the UK. Over the past 15 years some 600 projects with a capital value of over £60billion have been signed. This includes almost 100 hospital schemes, over 100 education projects covering more than 800 schools, 43 transport projects and over 300 other operational projects in sectors such as defence, leisure, culture, housing and waste.
This has been the biggest investment in UK infrastructure since the Victorian times and has only been made possible using PFI type procurement. It would not have been possible for government departments to procure on this scale using traditional procurement. Their human resource requirements alone would have been difficult to achieve.
On the ground, this has meant that hundreds of thousands of pupils are now being educated in new and modernised schools which offer up to date learning, technology, sport and arts and crafts facilities. This represents a step-wise increase in investment in the UKs future work force.
In 2007 50% of the NHS estate dated pre-1948 and some of these structures were only meant to be temporary. Today, this figure stands at 20% and the 25 year PFI contract should ensure that these countrywide new healthcare facilities are both run efficiently and well maintained and serviced for the foreseeable future.
The prison service has been reformed as a result of PFI prisons and the private sector provision of custodial services.
The private sector participants include the leading and largest UK and international:
building contractors and service providers
insurance companies
banks and bond investors
equity investors including pension funds and insurance companies
professional advisors
The public sector participants include government departments (eg Health, Transport, Home Office, and Defence) and local authorities (schools, street lighting, social housing, waste, local roads maintenance).
The concession agreement only transfers those risks to the private sector which the latter is best placed to take. This means construction cost overruns and delay costs are borne by the contractors, finance costs are borne by the finance providers and service delivery by the service contractors. All under the umbrella of each PFI project. The private sector has shown by experience that it is able to manage these risks very well. There are few, if any, examples of construction risk being returned to the public sector. During the financial crises no signed projects have been bailed out and, for the most, part payment deductions for poor service industry-wide have been low.
The umbrella of the project company creates an additional discipline which is one of the underlying drivers of efficiency and performance. This is because the finance providers only receive their returns if their contractors deliver the project and services. So instead of the public sector driving the project it is the finance providers, led by the equity investors who are at most risk.
PFI type procurement and know-how has been exported to many countries although it is not referred to by the same term. Programmes go by the name PPP or P3 etc but they all use the same underlying concept.
Active programmes are ongoing in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and in Canada, Australia and RSA.
Programmes are in development in USA, Eastern Europe, Turkey, and South East Asia.
These projects are procured in open competition in accordance with rules drawn up by the Government and the European Union. The competition drives out excess costs and the resulting price should be considered the market price which takes into consideration all the project risks.
The majority of contracts in the UK were negotiated before 2008 at a time when debt and equity was readily available and relatively cheap. In current markets, these projects today would be more expensive to finance.
The overall cost of financing a PFI project has been typically about 2.25% pa more than that of a traditionally procured project. This is because the government cost of finance is less than the private sector.
The private sector price is the market price for taking on a project with its inherent risks. A lower government cost amounts to a subsidy as these risks would be underpriced. This is because the project risks are the same whoever provides the finance. Nevertheless, it would be cheaper.
The expectation is that the efficiencies that will be delivered by the private sector through risk transfer will more than compensate for the additional cost. For example, building the project to budget and on-time together with the more efficient service delivery and maintenance during the life of the project.
Large refinancing profits were made by some investors on some of the early projects. In 2002, voluntary arrangements were agreed to share up to 50% of these profits with the public sector. The profits were made possible because the cost and term of financing became cheaper as confidence grew (i) from nothing in the new services based infrastructure sector and (ii) in doing business with the public sector (previously very difficult and often claims based). So it became possible to refinance many of the earlier projects (ie replace the project finance) at a profit. These profits did not arise because the costs of building the project or delivering the services turned out to be cheaper than envisaged in winning the original project but because the new finance providers were prepared to accept lower returns since their perception of the risks had reduced. Winning a PFI project concession is a hard fought competition where the cheapest price usually wins.
As PFI developed in the last decade, these refinancing opportunities receded as the finance became cheaper, discounting many of the earlier risks and concerns.
The other way investors have made (and lost) money in PFI is through buying and selling equity investments in the project companies between each other. This does not impact on the underlying project and is no different from any other equity market where buyers and sellers place a value on their investment assets and trade them.
Because of the political dimension, where the government of the day is the public sector customer, the prospects for existing investment (value) and new infrastructure investment (new money) will be sensitive not only to government’s approach to the sector but also to the perception by investors as to whether the risk profile of doing business with government is likely to change.
In the early years of PFI competing bids were evaluated primarily on price. This led to some projects which, while functional, providing poor civic amenities. The industry pushed hard on the public sector for design to be an important part of the bid evaluation so that communities could have new long lasting facilities they could be proud of and which could also be the driver for local improvement and regeneration.
This is even more important in deprived areas where a new local school is a facilitator for social change and offers children a chance for social as well as educational development.
Since 2008, the flow of new PFI projects has slowed to a trickle. This is because the UK PFI infrastructure programme has slowed considerably in the face of the weakening of the UK economy and the disruption in world financial markets.
The government has indicated that going forward there will be more focus on investing in new economic infrastructure (energy, broadband and transport) rather than social infrastructure (hospitals, schools and prisons).
As part of its deficit cutting programme, particularly in relation to reducing public sector spending, work is under way to see where savings can be made on PFI projects. The Treasury has recently issued a Guidance Note to indicate areas where savings could be made. Private sector and public sector parties are currently working together to try to achieve these.
The Treasury has also recently announced a new Select Committee inquiry into the future prospects for PFI. This will provide the opportunity for a wide range of interest groups to provide evidence and for proposals to be made on the future direction of PFI and the role of private sector investment in the UK infrastructure.
There have been two previous parliamentary inquiries into PFI. The 2000 Treasury Select Committee inquiry and more recently the 2010 Lords Select Committee inquiry.
(Sources - http://www.pppforum.com)
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Understanding the Private Finance Initiative Project.
✔ USE effective PFI model templates and procedures based on international case studies of successful PFI projects and avoid the pitfalls of unsuccessful cases
✔ IDENTIFY and select the most profitable and promising projects to ensure ROI
✔ KNOW how to monitor and benchmark PFI contractual performance to ensure continued profitability
✔ APPLY innovative and successful models of project financing and ensure transactions reach financial closure
✔ COMPETITIVELY tender for PFI contracts
✔ UNDERSTAND the goals and strategies of PFI strategies and transactions
✔ GAIN highlights of success stories and lessons learnt from Malaysia, Singapore, US and Australia. Learn from PFI practitioners who will share case studies and best practices on the latest trends and innovations in PFI projects around the region
✔ OBTAIN knowledge on the use of PFI to facilitate and strengthen the delivery of infrastructure projects
✔ KNOW what are the key principles that embodied the PFI programme under the 9th MP and the way forward for Malaysia
✔ HEAR financing experts on key factors, issues and latest trends on sources of financing
✔ BENEFIT from the high level networking opportunities between government, regulators, legal and senior management executives
✔ LEARN to effectively manage government relations and build stakeholders value to secure successful long-term partnerships in PFI projects
Monday, May 23, 2011
Major Signs before the Day of Judgement

Belief in Doomsday is one of the fundamentals and pillars of faith. It is the day when everyone is to get recompense and punishment for one's work and has to go to heaven or hell according to one's deeds. This is the reason each and every Prophet warned his people of the Day of Judgement.
As for the knowledge of the time of Qiyamah (End of the World) , it has not been given to any angel or Prophet. Nobody besides Allah knows when the final hour is.
The Quran states, O Prophet the infidels ask you about the time of Qiyamah. So tell them that it's knowledge is with Allah only. (Surah Luqman)
However certain events are going to take place prior to the coming of the final hour. These events are known as the Signs of Qiyamah. All the Prophets informed their people of the signs of the final hour. Our Prophet Muhammed being the last and the seal of Prophets, knowing that Doomsday is to come upon this very ummah, explained clearly and in considerable detail the signs of the final hour to the extent that sometimes he
would lecture his companions all day on this subject.
Abu Zaid (R.A.) says, 'The Holy Prophet
sat down on the pulpit after Fajar Prayer and began a deliver a long sermon until the time for Zohr prayer came. After saying the Zohr prayer he
again sat on the pulpit and began the sermon, which continued till Asr prayer. After the Asr prayer he
resumed the sermon so much so that the sun set. he
related whatever happened in the past and also related in detail whatever is to happen in the future. Those amongst us who had good memories retained many things.' (Muslim)
The signs of the final hour can be divided into two groups.
1) Minor signs
Minor signs are events of normal nature prophesised by our Prophet Muhammed to take place before Qiyamah like the consumption of alcohol, lifting of knowledge and prevalence of ignorance and immorality and signs of this nature. The majority of the minor signs have appeared while some are occurring and some will appear with major signs.
2) Major signs
Major signs ae events of extraordinary nature prophesied by our Prophet to take place before Qiyamah like all the events mentioned in the following hadith narrated by Hudhaifa ibn Usayd that the Prophet
said, 'The last hour will not arrive till you have seen ten signs. He
then mentioned the Smoke, Dajjal, Beast, Rising of the Sun from the place of it's setting, the Descent of Isa, Ya'juj Ma'juj, Three Landslides, one in the East , one in the West and one in the Arabian Peninsula after that a Fire would spread from Yemen and drive the people to their place of gathering.' (Muslim)
All Praises belong to Allah, Lord of all the world.
(More information refer to http://www.inter-islam.org/faith/Majorsigns.html#intro)