
"....semua makhluk ciptaan Tuhan samada manusia,binatang,tumbuhan, alam semulajadi dan sebagainya,saling perlu memerlukan,saling bantu-membantu kerana mereka berkait,terikat antara satu sama lain dalam satu kitaran yang berhubungan. Justeru, jangan diputuskan ikatan itu, kelak, seluruh kitaran akan musnah..." Ahmad Rais Johari
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Madicine Is A Vocation.
Perhaps the best known name in the history of medicine is that Hippocrates, the Greek physician who gave his name to the Hippocratic Oath and founded the Hippocratic school of medicine,which greatly influenced medical science until 18th century.
Incredibly, his followers believed that health was governed by the balance of four fluids or humours: phlegm, blood,black bile and yellow bile. Of course, medicine has come a long way since the "balance of four body fluids" with the recent advances in molecular biology and genetics which promise the revolutionize therapeutics in the future.
But today,we are going to look at the profession of medicine in terms of its philosophy and social responsibility, because medicine seems to have lost its way in a rapidly changing world. Both the profession and society are forgetful that medicine has an imponderable spiritual core that could be called its soul.
Medicine is a profession,unlike any other.It is not a nine-to-five job, nor a trade or a business that brings in a respectable income to provide a comfortable lifestyle. It is an exquisite blend of science and art. Medicine is essentially a vocation or a calling, which demands a lifetime of dedicated care for sick and infirm. A vocation is an occupation that is distinguished by altruism, a sense of social responsibility, and fulfillment of an ethical or spiritual need. The word "vocation" is derived from the Latin "vocare" which means "to call."
For the past five or six decades,we have witnessed a decline in the age-old values and ethical traditions of our healing profession. Perhaps,being neglect of the philosophy of medicine and medical ethics in medical education, before and after graduation, has weakened professionalism and the ethical foundations of medicine.
The core values of medicine are being submerged and lost in the materialistic paradigms of the modern world of private enterprise and business, marketing and advertising, wealth accumulation and consumerism. These paradigms are being embedded in a changing global culture, which has been largely subsumed by the concepts and methods of market economics.
While medicine cannot change all aspects of global culture, nevertheless, the medical profession can and must exert its considerable influence in society and ensure that negative economic and cultural forces do not undermine or dismantle medical professionalism.
Professionalism is governed by an agree set of rules and standards of practice and conduct, determined by the profession and society in the public interest. It is important that the medical profession does not interpret professionalism as a license to serve the interests of the profession itself, rather than the population it has a duty to serve.
It also has a duty to maintain professional standard, independent of political influence but accountable to the public it serves. A part from knowledge, it is professionalism, ethical practice and compassion that transform a doctor into a healer.
Despite modern health systems and profound advances in medical science and technology, patient-care studies show a steady decline in public satisfaction and trust in the doctor-patient relationship. Although a significant number of patients are satisfied with their individual doctors, there is discontent with total health care experience and a growing movement towards alternative and complementary medicine.
A Mori poll in 1999 asked the random selection of the public to say which professionals could be trusted to tell the truth. The result were: doctors 91%, judges 77%, scientists 63%,businessmen 28%,politicians 23% and journalists 15%.
In Malaysia, part of this disenchantment with modern medicine is related to the low morale of health professionals, particularly in the public sector. Overworked and underpaid doctors and nurses in public hospitals are experiencing exhaustion and disillusionment with a system that does not show sufficient respect and compassion for its workforce, a system that does not show enough commitment to providing health care for all, a system in dire need of radical reform.
Private health care is being set up in the marketplace and exploited for profit by businesses, insurance companies and managed care organizations. An emerging commercial culture is dehumanizing doctor and patient a like, causing glaring inequalities in health care and testing the moral leadership of the medical profession.
If medicine is allowed to become a business, doctors will become businessmen. Doctor are being reduced to replaceable "providers" and patients to generic "consumers". In managed care organization, doctors resemble factory workers, processing patients as items on a conveyor belt.
The Malaysian government is promoting health tourism and touting health care as a sale able commodity, calculated to increase government revenue and inflict a brain drain of specialists from government and university hospitals to the private sector.
The crisis in health care is partly an economic crisis of rising health care cost, but the profound crisis in medicine is a crisis of doctoring and the relegating of medicine as an occupation like any other.
Education in general has become an institutional and mass production process. It is widely recognized and recommended that the needed improvements in the quality of health care require fundamental reforms in medical education. The two most important responsibilities of any government are the provision of quality education and affordable, universal health care.
In Malaysia, private medical schools are multiplying without stringent regulation of curricula, teachers, and teaching standards, often as a result of political and business pressures. The medical profession in Malaysia has a duty to respond to such challenges and ask decision-makers if they realize that the health of next generation of Malaysians will be at risk from inadequately trained health professionals.
The three-thousand-year tradition, which forged a bond of trust between doctor and patient, is being traded for new kind of relationship. Healing is being replaced with treating; caring is being displaced by the technical management of disease; the art of talking and listening to the patient is being supplanted by the hum of sophisticated medical equipment. The human body is seen as a repository of unrelated, malfunctioning organs, often separated from the doctor's healing touch by cold, impersonal machines.
This is not to undervalue science and technology. On the contrary, healing is best achieved when art and science are conjoined, when the practice of medicine reveals a compassionate human face, when doctor and patient form a bond and caring partnership of equals.
In developing the means for modern health care, society has forgotten the "meaning" of medicine. Medicine is primarily a humanistic endeavour, not a purely scientific one. Science and technology have a rightful place, but medicine is a healing profession, and the contribution of a doctor adds up to more than the sum total of his or her knowledge and skills.
We often forget that the patient is a person who is far more important than the illness; that illness is far more important that the presence of disease; that, when a disease is not curable, the empathic care of the patient and grieving family provides hope and comfort. Our technological society is often blinded and carried away by belief in the technological fix and fails to see how we might treat each other as 'flesh-and-blood' fellow human beings.
Another flaw in modern medicine flows from the application of mercantile imperatives to health care. The profession and society need to isolate and combat the contagion of materialism and commercialization of health care, by re-injecting core human values into the corpus of medicine. The soul of medicine is in dire need of redemption.
The 1978 Alma Ata vision of health for All and the World Health Organisation's policy of Health for All in the 21st Century have laid down global priorities and targets which could create conditions for people worldwide to achieve and maintain the highest attainable level of health throughout their lives.
The medical profession has a moral and professional responsibility to champion and help to create the conditions that will provide the basic human right to life and health. As the social conscience of the international community, the medical profession must press governments to develop the political will to be focused and committed to turning the vision of health for all into a practical, universal and sustainable reality.
It is in this context that the medical profession has a social responsibility to be committed advocates for the alleviation and eradication of poverty and inequity. At the same time, the profession also has a public health responsibility to support those working to protect the environment from the impact of ecologically unsustainable economic development and other human activities, which are now exceeding the physical and ecological limits of the planet and causing environmental damage, pollution, global warming and climate change, all of which have serious health consequences.
In addressing poverty as the largest single social determinant of health, the profession has a fundamental duty to monitor economic globalization and work with advocacy groups to ensure that it will bring benefits for all. Already, there is evidence that trade liberalization and capital flows are increasing inequality, within and between countries, and undermining the provision of quality health care.
Economic inequalities have been widening steadily for almost two hundred years. The difference between the richest and poorest countries was about 3 to 1 in 1820, 35 to 1 in 1950 and 73 to 1 in 1992. The total assets of the 200 richest people in the world amount to more than the combined assets of 41 percent of the world's population of more than six billion people. Over half of the world's population struggles to survive on less than RM 7.00 per day.
Equitable public health systems, which offer affordable universal health care, are important expressions of social solidarity. But international policies and globalization of trade and services are removing protective barriers to enable foreign companies ti participate in the privatization of health services for profit, putting affordable health care beyond the reach of all but very affluent.
Although global health indicators are slowly improving, increasing inequality will reverse those gain. The rapid spread of HIV/AIDS has already lowered life expectancy in Africa and other countries and doubled the number of people infected with the disease in the last decade.
One quarter of the global burden of disease is preventable or easily curable. Seventy-two percent of the world's population has access to safe water, but 2.6 billion people still lack access to basic sanitation. The following annual expenditures in US dollars tell the story of the world's skewed priorities:
Basic education for all: $ 6 billion
Cosmetics in the USA: $ 8 billion
Water and sanitation for all: $ 9 billion
Ice Cream in Europe: $ 11 billion
Reproductive health for all women: $ 12 billion
Perfume in Europe and the USA: $ 12 billion
Basic health and nutrition: $ 13 billion
Pet foods in Europe and the USA: $ 17 billion
Business entertainment in Japan $ 35 billion
Cigarettes in Europe: $ 50 billion
Alcoholic drinks in Europe: $ 105 billion
World military spending: $ 900 billion
In his book, Medical Nemesis and Limits to Medicine, Ivan Illich, one of the most severe critics of modern industrialized medicine, censored iatrogenic diseases and coined the phrase, 'the medicalisation of health,' a derogatory term that is applied to over-investigation and unnecessary treatment of physiologically normal processes, such as normal pregnancy, normal childbirth, ageing and dying.
Although most doctor believe medicine to be a force for good and acknowledge that on occasion the practice of medicine can do harm, few would agree with Illich that the medical establishment has become a major threat to health. But many might agree with the concerns of the health economist, Alain Enthoven, who claims that unregulated medical procedures and treatments would at some point become counter-productive and result in more harm than good.
The question is whether we have already reached that point in the developed world, where health budgets are steadily increasing to provide expensive secondary and tertiary hospital care that only has marginal benefits. At the same time, many developing countries cannot afford simple, inexpensive public health measures, such as sanitation, clean water, adequate nutrition, immunization, vector control, and universal primary care, all of which would help to prevent thousands of premature deaths in children.
Illich argued that there are limits to medicine, that death, pain and illness are part of being human, and that all cultures have developed ways of helping people cope with these inescapable realities of life. He has castigated modern medicine for undermining these cultures and medicalise many of life's normal processes.
The Chamber Dictionary defines disease as "an unhealthy state of body and mind, a disorder, illness, or an ailment with distinctive symptoms caused by infection, for examples." Health is even harder to define than disease. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health as "a state of complete physical and mental well-being and not merely the absence of disease."
The British Medical Journal has defined 'non-disease' as a 'human process or problem that some have defined as a medical condition, but where people may have better outcomes, if the process or problem was not defined in that way.' In other words, you would be better off to leave non-disease alone and not have medical treatment for it.
In a recent survey, members of the British Medical Association voted the following top non-diseases in descending order of 'non-diseaseness': ageing, work, boredom, bags under the eyes, ignorance, baldness, freckles, big ears, grey or white hair, lack of photogenic looks, childbirth, allergy to the 21 st. century, jet lag, unhappiness, cellulite, a hangover, pregnancy, road rage and loneliness.
But there are some aspects of medicalisation that arise out of requests from families when they cannot cope with the ill-health of their loved ones. Some of these problems come within the scope of medicine, but there is a fine line beyond which medicine has only a minor role, if any.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Dirgahayu Malaysia Negaraku - Semperna Hari Kemerdekaan ke 51

Secara kebetulan, saya baru balik daripada Indonesia baru-baru ini, Indonesia telah menyambut hari kemerdekaan ke 61 mereka pada 17 Ogos 2008 yang lalu, walaupun mereka telah menyambut hari kemerdekaan ke 61 pada 17 Ogos 2008 tetapi masih terdapat banyak bendera indonesia dikibarkan seluruh daerah di Indonesia, dirumah, dipejabat kerajaan, ditepi-tepi jalan dan sebagainya seolah-olah mereka masih menyambut hari kemerdekaan walaupun selepas 17 Ogos 2008. Pada masa yang sama pelbagai aktiviti kebudayaan untuk memeriahkan hari kemerdekaan mereka masih lagi dilaksanakan dikampung-kampung, daerah, bandar dan sebagainya walaupun selepas 17 Ogos 2008.
Meninjau suasana menyambut kemerdekaan di Malaysia, saya membuat kesimpulan bahawa rakyat indonesia lebih patriotik terhadap negara mereka jika dibandingkan dengan rakyat Malaysia. Bendera Malaysia yang dikibarkan dirumah, di pejabat dan di jalan-jalan raya boleh dikira dengan jari. Kecuali jika anda berada didalam kampus UiTM, terlalu banyak bendera Malaysia yang dikibarkan sehingga anda tidak dapat mengira dengan semua jari-jari yang anda ada termasuk jari kaki.
Apapun, selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan yang ke 51, semoga kita sebenar-benarnya merdeka dari segi fizikal dan mental daripada penjajahan moden seperti liberalisasi dan globalisasi. Perpaduan Asas Kejayaan.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Marhaban Ya, Ramadhan...

Semoga Allah SWT berkenan memberikan segala kebajikan seperti yang telah dijanjikanNYA melalui Al Qur'an dan Sunnah Rasulullah Salallahuwa Alaihi Wasallam sebagaimana yang kita imani sebagai seorang muslim.
Sekadar mengisi waktu yang terluang menjelang waktu berbuka puasa nanti, maka dengan segala kerendahan hati izinkanlah saya mencadangkan kepada semua mahasiswa dan pembaca agar melihat dan menyemak kembali laman rujukan atau di halaman lain yang Insya Allah, sama berfaedah untuk kita semua.
Mudah-mudahan kita termasuk dalam golongan orang-orang yang beruntung tidak sahaja selama menjalankan ibadah yang teramat istimewa ini, akan tetapi begitu juga ibadah yang seterusnya kerana ibadah merangkumi seluruh aspek kehidupan kita.
Seorang Mahasiswa UiTM Shahid Di Seksyen 7, Shah Alam, Selangor
Saya bergegas ke lokasi yang dimaklumkan oleh En. Bakar di seksyen 7, Shah Alam, Selangor. Hasil maklumat yang diperolehi saksi-saksi kejadian, mahasiswa tersebut collapse di Padang Permainan seksyen 7 Shah Alam semasa melalui kawasan padang tersebut.
Semasa saya tiba di tempat kejadian, pihak polis sedang mengendalikan kes tersebut, mayat akan dibawa ke Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang untuk dibedahsiasat. Semoga roh Allahyarham Mohd. Murad Daud mahasiswa Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal,UiTM Malaysia sentiasa dicucuri rahmat oleh Allah S.W.T. - Al Fatihah.
Majlis Penutup Journey of Knowledge Nusantara Bandung (JoKNB)
Pada malam terakhir kami di Bandung pada 25 Ogos 2008, kami mengadakan majlis makan malam dan persembahan kebudayaan dimana semua puteri kolej delima mempersembahkan tarian joget kelantan, mereka juga mendendangkan lagu-lagu kotemporori bagi memeriahkan lagi majlis tersebut.
Nyatalah kepada saya bahawa kebudayaan mampu mengeratkan perhubungan dua negara yang bertetangga. KoKNB membuktikannya kepada saya.
Indonesia Daripada Kapal Terbang (Penglihatan Dari Mata Burung)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Takuban Perahu Bandung - Tanda Kebesaran Ilahi
Pada 25 Ogos disebelah petang, kami melawat Gua Takuban Perahu di daerah Bandung, saya kagum dengan kecantikan mukabumi gunung berapi yang masih mengeluarkan debu sulfurnya ke udara diawan tinggi dan kedinginan puncak Gunung Takuban Perahu. Hati kecil saya berkata inilah tanda-tanda kebesaran Tuhan.
Perjumpaan Dengan Rektor Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Perjumpaan dengan Rektor UPI Prof. Dr. Sunaryo Kartadinata berlangsung dengan suasana yang cukup mesra dan penuh bersejarah, beliau menyatakan kesediaan UPI untuk menjalin persefahaman dengan UiTM dalam aspek pendidikan. Pertemuan ini berlangsung pada 25 Ogos 2008 di Pejabat Rektor, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Mengikut ranking webometric Julai 2008 UPI berada ditangga 1291 daripada 5000 universiti di seluruh dunia.
Self Reflection - Journey of Knowledge Nusantara Bandung
Saya sempat bertemu sanak saudara saya dari keturunan HAJI RAIS di Indonesia semasa hari terakhir program journey of knowledge tersebut. Saudara saya, Nonki dan Haris menunggu di Hotel Setia Budi Bandung sejak jam 3.00 petang pada 25 Ogos 2008 (Isnin).
Kami (rombongan UiTM) sampai di Hotel Setia Budi Bandung selepas melawat Gunung Takuban Perahu, Jawa Barat pada jam 6.15 petang. Nonki dan Harris menunggu hampir 3 jam untuk merealisasikan suatu pertemuan. Saudara Nonki dan Haris turut serta semasa upacara makan malam penutup Journey of Knowledge Nusantara Bandung (JoKNB), selepas itu kami bersembang dan bercerita tentang pelbagai isu dan cerita berkaitan hal ehwal keluarga kami, peluang dan ruang perniagaan di sana, hal ehwal agama, soal politik dan bermacam lagi sehingga pagi. Semoga suatu hari nanti kita akan bertemu lagi.
Self Reflection - Journey of Knowledge:Nusantara Bandung
Saya menyifatkan Projek JoK:NB anjuran JPK Delima sebagai berjaya kerana ia mengeratkan lagi hubungan dua hala antara rakyat Malaysia dan Indonesia yang sebudaya, yang serumpun dan yang seketurunan. Semoga projek ini memberikan lembaran baru kepada perhubungan diantara UiTM-UPI (Universiti Teknologi MARA dan Universiti Pendidikan Indonesia).
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Garut - Bandar Perusahaan Kulit Di Indonesia
Friday, August 22, 2008
Apa Itu Reformasi?
Apa Itu Revolusi?
(révolusi) 1. perubahan sesebuah kerajaan, sistem politik, atau sistem sosial yg dilakukan secara radikal dan kekerasan, spt rusuhan dan pemberontakan bersenjata: Angkatan 45 lahir sbg pernyataan ~ Indonesia; 2. perubahan yg menyeluruh dan mendadak, terutamanya dr segi cara berfikir, bertindak, dsb; ~ mental revolusi fikiran, perubahan pemikiran secara menyeluruh; berevolusi mengadakan revolusi; merevolusikan mengubah sistem pemerintahan (sosial dll) dgn kekerasan (cepat dll), membawa perubahan kpd sesuatu atau dlm sesuatu bidang secara radikal (meluas, menyeluruh, dan cepat).
Apa Itu Evolusi?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Journey of Knowledge - Nusantara Bandung
Projek Journey of Knowledge-Nusantara Bandung ini adalah program pengantarabangsaan yang dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej Delima bertujuan untuk memahami dan mengetahui budaya pengajaran dan pembelajaran di Indonesia.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Revolusi Iran
Revolusi ini adalah sebuah gerakan yang unik kerana kejayaannya mengejutkan seluruh dunia. Sebab ia sesuatu yang unik kerana ia bukanlah berpunca daripada kekalahan dalam peperangan, krisis kewangan ataupun pemberontakan golongan bawahan mahupun tindakan ketenteraan, seperti revolusi-revolusi lain dalam sejarah bertulis manusia. Revolusi Iran berlaku dengan pantasnya dan berjaya menjatuhkan sebuah rejim yang dilengkapi dengan kuasa tentera yang kuat dan hebat dan rejim ini digantikan dengan sistem pemerintahan teokrasi yang diundi berdasarkan tahap kemuliaan seseorang itu.
Revolusi ini terjadi kepada dua peringkat. Peringkat pertama bermula pada pertengahan 1977 hingga tahun 1979 yang dipimpin oleh pihak liberal, golongan haluan kiri dan kumpulan agama. Kesemua mereka memberontak menentang Shah Iran. Peringkat kedua yang turut dikenali sebagai Revolusi Islam menyaksikan naiknya Ayatollah menjadi pemimpin revolusi.
Semantic Interoperability.......
Semantic Interoperability (also referred to as Computable Semantic Interoperability) is the ability of two or more computer systems to exchange information and have the meaning of that information automatically interpreted by the receiving system accurately enough to produce useful results, as defined by the end users of both systems.
Computers are used by human beings to find information, or receive it in a direct transfer, and to use it for purposes that the original creator of the information did not anticipate. At least some aspects of the information must be encoded in some standard fashion interpreted identically by all systems involved in relaying, if not processing or changing, that data.
While the criteria applied by such users will necessarily vary, some are very commonly invoked: the computer system receiving the information is able to use it properly in computation, without human intervention, and produce results satisfactory to the users of that receiver. Any context information required must be somehow reduced to representations that are shared. A common information exchange reference model must exist and both sides must defer to it as authoritative. The content of the information exchange requests are unambiguously defined: What is sent is [[sameness|the same as] what is understood. In terms of the conceptual interoperability model from simulation theory, information must be in a form whose meaning is independent of the application generating or using it.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Selesai Tapi Ia Adalah Suatu Permulaan Perjalanan.....
Aplikasi THIS akan digunakan oleh Fakulti Perubatan dan Fakulti Pergigian UiTM sebagai suatu usaha untuk meningkatkan produktiviti warga fakulti secara berpasukan atau individu, ia juga menggalakkan perkongsian maklumat (knowledge-sharing) dan membentuk budaya kerja baru dalam fakulti dimana maklumat boleh diakses pada bila-bila masa walaupun berada di IMMB Sungai Buluh, CTC di Selayang, FoM di Shah Alam atau dimana-mana sahaja. Aplikasi THIS juga berperanan sebagai catalyst untuk meningkatkan penyelidikan dalam bidang perubatan disamping ia digunakan untuk memantapkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di kedua-dua fakulti tersebut.
Saya rasa lega kerana langkah pertama telah bermula tetapi langkah-langkah seterusnya saya rasakan akan lebih mencabar setelah semua vendor memberikan maklumat THIS kepada UiTM. Saya perlu melengkapkan diri saya dengan sebanyak maklumat dan pengetahuan mengenai aplikasi THIS. Ia memberikan saya satu cabaran baru......
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Wikipedia: hospital information system
As an area of medical informatics the aim of an HIS is to achieve the best possible support of patient care and administration by electronic data processing.
It can be composed of one or a few software components with specialty-specific extensions as well as of a large variety of sub-systems in medical specialties (e.g. Laboratory Information System, Radiology Information System).
CISs are sometimes separated from HISs in that the former concentrate on patient-related and clinical-state-related data (electronic patient record) whereas the latter keeps track of administrative issues.
The World Health Organization "List of Errors to Avoid" in Planing, Developing and Installing Hospital Information Systems
The World Health Organization (WHO) published a list of errors to avoid when designing, installing or supporting an Healthcare Information System / Hospital Information System / HIS:
- Don't depend too much on one pioneering innovator, and do not leave any such innovator in charge - they will become too rigid and narrow-minded in their views, and stifle change and development.
- Don't spend a large amount of time creating a detailed, rigid specification - it will be out of date before being designed, built, and implemented; rather, specify core principles and functionality together with a design-and-build or prototyping methodology.
- Don't leave performance criteria, both in terms of functions provided and maximum percentage downtime to chance, but include them in the procurement contract.
- Don't forget error correction and maintenance - write minimum standards into supply contracts, and ensure that there are sanctions, e.g., part of procurement payment held back until satisfactory functioning over a specified period; maintenance payments paid partly at the end of each period with reductions for loss of service.
- Don't let the supplier determine needs or performance; instead, ensure that the customer remains in control.
- Don't exploit your supplier - whilst the customer should lead, an aggrieved supplier provides a poor service and a bankrupted supplier disappears and leaves the customer stranded.
- Don't impose "solutions" on end users and data suppliers; rather, ensure that they feel they are valued and want the system.
- Don't automate today's paper processes - look at what new functions and methods automated Information Systems can undertake.
- Don't specify too futuristically - there is a limit to how much people or an organization can change in one move; instead allow an evolutionary path.
- Don't treat the organization or the specification as rigid structure, but instead allow for organizational and end-user learning, as well as technological and environmental change.
- Don't stop evaluation at the point of installation testing - there will be ongoing organizational and personal behavioral change that must be identified and appropriate adjustments made.
- Don't stop investing in a "successful" system - it will soon become out-of-date, and disillusionment will set in thus, to the dismay of users and paying parties, the "success" will soon evaporate.
- Don't be complacent with a "successful" system - the very word of its success will increase usage, overload access, and degrade performance — this applies to all elements, including data networks and communications.
- Don't confuse Education (concerned with changing professional practice and performance) with Training (about how to operate a system).
- Don't change practice and switch on a system in one activity, but also don't computerize old practice - separate the two change processes, even though this will mean a short period of dysfunctional working, so as to ensure that the different changes are fully understood, and any problems can be traced to the correct source to facilitate rapid adjustment.
- Don't rely on memory or suppliers - persons can forget, become ill, or leave; suppliers can go out of business or be taken over. Ensure that everything is properly documented, including performance agreements, and all systems specifications, functionalities, applications, and operational routines — the constant test must be "Could a new person take over that task tomorrow?".
- Don't overlook the need for convincing answers on confidentiality - it will be a prime question from all health professionals before they use a system.
- Don't think that removing names from records creates confidentiality - other factual combinations in records can effectively identify indirectly by implication or circumstance.
- Don't assume that any types of data item are of low confidentiality - for some individuals any specific item may be very confidential because of personal circumstances, e.g., address or blood group.
- Don't touch anything which does not run on open standards, is of a closed proprietary nature, or cannot accommodate modern recognized data and other standards - any short-term gain will be minimal compared with the cost of the dead end up which you are committing your organization.
- Don't think that any Information System project is ever finished - if it successful, people will want more of it; if it unsuccessful, adjustments are clearly needed; and in any eventuality circumstances will change.
This list, named "A Don't List in Setting Up an Healthcare Information System", first appeared in the manual Setting up Healthcare Services Information Systems: A Guide for Requirement Analysis, Application Specification, and Procurement, edited in 1999 by PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) - a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO).
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Taklimat Kesedaran Keselamatan ICT: Pengurusan Keselamatan dan Amalan Terbaik Anjuran Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
Philip Victor semasa sesi taklimatnya mendedahkan bahawa semua pengguna komputer yang menggunakan internet terdedah kepada pencerobohan cyber melalui intrusion, denial of service, malicious code, hack threat, fraud dan spam. Jadi setiap pengguna internet perlu mengetahui asas keselamatan ICT untuk mengelakkan kita menjadi mangsa. Amalan terbaik perlu dibudayakan dalam penggunaan ICT.
Setiap agensi kerajaan perlu mempunyai seorang Pegawai Keselamatan ICT(PKICT) nama pegawai tersebut akan didaftarkan di MAMPU sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab memastikan keselamatan fizikal dan sistem agensi dalam keadaan yang selamat dan bebas daripada pencerobohan. Keselamatan ICT ialah proses ia bukan teknologi..! jelas beliau lagi. Tidak ada maknanya membeli firewall yang paling baik didunia dengan harga yang termahal jika network administrator tidak tahu membuat rules and regulation firewall tersebut.
Beliau memberikan analogi seperti rumah kita, untuk memastikan rumah kita selamat dan tidak diceroboh oleh pencuri kita perlu mengunci pintu rumah, mengunci pintu grill dan mengunci pintu pagar sebelum meninggalkan rumah, tetapi jika pencuri tersebut menggunakan pemotong besi memotong pad lock pintu pagar, pintu grill dan menggunakan penukul besar untuk memecahkan tombol pintu rumah, rumah kita tetap akan diceoboh oleh pencuri tersebut.
Apa yang boleh kita lakukan hanyalah menyusahkan pencuri masuk ke rumah kita dengan menggunakan kunci yang berkualiti, menggunakan pintu yang kukuh dan sebagainya.
Tidak ada satupun sistem keselamatan ICT didunia yang menjamin 100% sistem ICT kita bebas daripada diceroboh, jadi amalan terbaik (best practice) dalam hal-hal keselamatan ICT perlu diamalkan oleh semua pengguna komputer dan internet. Contohnya menukar password setiap 30 hari, menggunakan kombinasi nombor, simbol dan abjad dalam password kita, logout bila tidak berada dalam online dan lain-lain lagi.
En. Amri Jamil, Penolong Pengarah Kanan, Bahagian Keselamatan ICT MAMPU dalam sesi taklimat beliau mendedahkan bahawa kerajaan sentiasa perihatin terhadap isu-isu keselamatan data kerajaan dan integriti data kerajaan, pelbagai garis panduan dan tatacara penggunaan internet dan e-mel telah dikeluarkan oleh MAMPU. Beliau juga menegaskan bahawa semua agensi kerajaan termasuk IPTA perlu mempunyai dasar keselamatan ICT yang selaras dengan Polisi Keselamatan Cyber Negara. Bagi agensi kerajaan yang masih belum mempunyai polisi tersebut boleh berhubung dengan MAMPU secepat mungkin.
Puan Zana daripada KPMG berpendapat semua agensi kerajaan perlu mempunyai ISO27001. ISO27001 ialah sistem ISO untuk keselamatan sistem ICT yang merangkumi security policy, organisation of information security, asset management, human resources security, physical and environment security, communication and operational management, access control, systems development development and maintenance, information security and incident management, business continuity plan. Saya berpendapat wajar bagi PSMB untuk mempunyai ISO27001 kerana ia akan memberikan banyak keuntungan kepada universiti.
Pada jam 6.00 pm saya bermesyuarat dengan Prof. Dato' Dr. Khalid Yusoff Dekan Fakulti Perubatan bersama kontraktor utama projek UiTM Selayang, perunding ICT projek tersebut dan JKR Bahagian Hospital ICT di Tingkat 20, Fakulti Perubatan, UiTM membincangkan isu-isu berkaitan security policy, organization of information security, asset management, human resources security, physical and environment security, communication and operational management, access control, systems development and maintenance, information security and incident management, business continuity plan untuk dilaksanakan di Fakulti Perubatan.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Forum Personaliti Anda dan Gaya Anda Sempena Program Knowing Yourself Anjuran JPK Delima UiTM Malaysia 4 Ogos Sehingga 10 Ogos 2008 Di Dataran Delima
Saya tertarik dengan pandangan utz Mohd. Nor Mamat mengenai personaliti siswi, pada beliau pelajar yang pakaian terdedah sana, terdedah sini, berbaju ketat, memakai seluar sendat, padat dan padu, pendek, singkat dan nampak pusat adalah bukan personaliti dan imej seorang pelajar, Itu imej pelaXXX kata beliau. Jadi beliau menyeru para pelajar membentuk personaliti, gaya dan imej seorang pelajar seperti suka berfikir, suka membaca, membudayakan ilmu, suka mencari ilmu untuk menghindarkan diri dari kebodohan, berpakaian menutup aurat dan sebagainya.
Ustazah Khairiyah Haji Ismail pula menceritakan bagaimana taraf wanita pada zaman jahiliah sebelum kedatangan islam. Wanita pada zaman itu hanyalah hamba kepada lelaki termasuklah menjadi hamba seks, wanita diperalatkan hanya sebagai bahan hiburan dan seks sahaja, sehinggakan ibubapa membunuh bayi perempuan mereka yang lahir pada zaman itu kerana tidak sanggup melihat penderitaan yang akan dialami oleh anak tersebut bila dewasa kelak. Kedatangan islam mengangkat martabat wanita. Ustazah mencadangkan supaya semua siswi dan siswa menghayati keindahan islam kerana islam itu indah. Islam tidak menyekat kemajuan. Islam itu syumul dan menyeru pelajar memperindahkan islam melalui perkataan, fikiran, perbuatan dan tindakan yang berasaskan kehendak islam.
Sebaik sahaja forum tersebut selesai saya menjemput ustaz dan ustazah menikmati jamuan ringan di Bilik Mesyuarat tetapi memandangkan masa sudah lebih 11.00 malam, Ustaz dan Ustazah menolak pelawaan kami dan saya mengiringi mereka ke kenderaan masing-masing yang diletakan di kawasan meletak kereta kompleks sukan. Saya memuji ustaz Nohd. Nor kerana membawa imej baru dan perspektif baru dalam konteks imej seorang ustaz. Beliau tidak berserban, berjanggut dan berjudah tapi boleh membicarakan soal islam daripada hal ehwal pokok sehingga hal ehwal ranting-rantingnya.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Siren Berbunyi Ingatkan Ada Ambulan Dalam Kecemasan, Rupa-rupanya ......
Mengikut suara yang keluar dari 'corong pembesar suara' tersebut pada malam ini akan diadakan tayangan gambar di Padang Kawat. "Semua warga kampus dan kolej delima dijemput hadir" jerit suara tersebut. Banyak program sedang berlangsung dalam Kampus UiTM Malaysia sepanjang minggu ini dan minggu depan.
Pada pendapat saya, pendekatan menggunakan haler untuk memaklumkan kepada warga kampus tentang program yang sedang berlangsung adalah satu pendekatan kreatif dan inovatif mahasiswa UiTM untuk menarik penglibatan warga kampus menyertai aktiviti atau program yang dianjurkan.
Bicara 2 Sahabat - Cerita Sejengkal dijadikan Sehasta
Satu perkara yang menarik perhatian saya ialah tentang berita kemalangan jalanraya dalam UiTM yang melibatkan bas UiTM dan motorsikal mahasiswa UiTM. Siswa dan siswi yang terlibat dalam kemalangan ini masih berada di Hospital tetapi heboh kabar angin mengatakan bahawa salah seorang daripada mereka telah meninggal dunia. Berita tersebut tersebar begitu cepat dalam UiTM sehingga saya terpaksa membuat pembetulan tentang kabar angin tersebut kepada kawan-kawan yang rapat dengan saya. Kedua-dua mahasiswa UiTM tersebut masih hidup dan sedang menerima rawatan dihospital.
Ini adalah satu contoh budaya masyarakat kita yang pada pendapat saya tidak sihat. Berita sejengkal ditambahkan berjengkal-jengkal dan ianya dipercayai bulat-bulat. Lebih baik kita jangan bercerita atau menyebarkan cerita jika kita tidak pasti kebenaran cerita tersebut. Lagi satu, masyarakat kita suka mendengar berita buruk daripada mendengar berita baik. Berita buruk kita akan jaja dari satu mulut ke satu mulut yang lain tapi kalau berita baik kita tidak jaja dari satu mulut ke satu mulut. Berita tersebut akan terhenti begitu sahaja.
Nasihat saya kepada semua mahasiswa dan diri saya sendiri, mari kita sama-sama ubah budaya kita dalam aspek ini. Jangan menyebarkan berita yang kita tidak pasti kebenarannya kerana nanti kita terjunam ke lembah fitnah kerana mengada-adakan cerita. Kita hanya bercerita berita yang benar sahaja setakat yang kita tahu, jangan melebih-lebihkan cerita.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Can a Muslim be a freemason?
As-salamu `alaykum. Although I have heard and read that Muslims should not join Freemasonry, I need to ask what happens if we do. I became a Freemason six years ago. It has not interfered with my religious practices, nor has it made me perform any blasphemous acts. All it has done for me is reinforce in me the strict morals and ethics that Islam has forever taught me. Am I wrong to be a member of this organization? If so, could you please explain to me why? Your answer will be extremely appreciated by many confused fellow Muslims who have either joined me or are contemplating the move. Thank you!
Answer :
Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
Dear questioner! Thank you very much for your good question that reflects a true search for knowledge. May Allah increase you in knowledge and grant you success in this world and in the afterlife.
In the first place, we would like to note that a Muslim should show loyalty only to Allah, his Creator and Sole Protector. His first priority should be his religion and the interests of his faith, since it is that faith only that makes his life brighter. A Muslim should never affiliate himself with any organization that works for the destruction of his religion; rather, he should regard the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as sources of his conduct.
No other thing deserves more trust than these two. Almighty Allah says: "O ye who believe, obey Allah and the Messenger when He calleth you to that which quickeneth you, and know that Allah cometh in between the man and his own heart, and that He it is unto Whom ye will be gathered." (Al-Anfal: 24)
Coming to the question in point, the prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a Senior Lecturer and Islamic Scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, answers:
"As far as I know, Freemasonry is a secret organization whose beliefs and practices are totally kept confidential except from those who are initiated into it. They have levels of secrets which are not divulged to those who are at lower levels. A Muslim should never fall prey or give allegiance to something which cannot be scrutinized by the firm criteria of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Whoever joins Freemasonry is like a person who writes a blank check; by doing so he agrees to give allegiance blindly to an authority to comply with their wishes no matter what they are.
No Muslim can surrender his will unconditionally to anyone but Allah. If anyone has done so, he is guilty of the most blatant violation namely shirk (associating partners with Allah). Allah says: “Do they have partners beside Allah who shall prescribe for them rituals that Allah has not sanctioned.” (Ash-Shura: 21)"
Delving into the core of Freemasonry and its nature, we would like also to cite the following:
"The Society of Freemasons is a secret organization with aims which are never officially declared in public. It engulfs itself with a thick curtain of secrecy to the extent that any new recruit gives a most solemn oath not to reveal its secrets. He is made fully aware that he reveals these secrets at peril to his life. Admission to the society is not open to everyone. In fact, the Society of Freemasons recruits its members after careful study of their characters and positions. It also tries hard to enlist in its membership kings, presidents, ministers, leading politicians and highly influential people. Such people are given honorary membership that keeps them at the periphery of the society, which means that they do not share in its decision making and they are not let into its secrets. Only those who are prepared to work with dedication for the aims of the society are made aware of these secrets. This, too, after they have passed certain tests and been promoted from one degree to another in the hierarchy of the society.
What attracts people to join the Freemasonry is the assurance of mutual help which its members pledge themselves to give on joining. A Freemason is expected to give unlimited support to other members of the society. Members have certain signs by which they come to know each other, such as the way they shake hands with other people and certain additions in their signatures on letters, etc. In countries where Freemasonry is well established, this can be of great advantage to any member who shows dedication to the cause.
A number of people have written about the secret aims of the Society of Freemasons. These were largely ex-members who left the society after finding that they could not reconcile themselves to its aims and purposes. The majority of these cases were in countries where the society was not able to promote itself well, which, in turn, limited its membership. This forced it to promote certain members to higher degrees, which enabled them to know more of the secrets of the society. Through such people we know that the society has a very strict hierarchy that keeps members at a low degree until they have passed a very severe test of loyalty and dedication. We also know that the society serves the aims of world Jewry and derives its name from that particular purpose. A “mason” is a builder, and the Society of Freemasons aims to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem after destroying Al-Aqsa Mosque because the Jews allege that the mosque has been built on the site of the destroyed temple.
Everything that furthers the interest of the Jews and promotes their position in the world is undertaken by the society. The cover of absolute secrecy and its strict hierarchy enables it to make use of the positions and influence of its non-Jewish members to serve the Jewish cause. We have to understand that many of its members work for the society trusting that they only serve the causes of liberty, equality and justice. They remain unaware that they simply serve the cause of giving the Jews supremacy in world affairs. Freemasonry has over the years earned itself a number of enemies, most notably the Catholic Church.
In view of all this, there is no doubt that if a Muslim joins the Society of Freemasons, he contravenes the teachings of Islam. The aims, policy and practices of this society are against the principles of Islam and violate its laws. For example, Islam believes in maintaining justice among all people, regardless of race, color, family, position or creed. A Muslim must be fair to all people. Islam forbids favoritism, nepotism and discrimination on any basis. Freemasons favor one another on the basis of membership of their society.
Islam respects other religions. Freemasonry deceives its members into thinking that they further the cause of a better humanity when they are actually furthering the interests of those who seek to give the Jews supremacy over all peoples of the world. Islam is the final message from Allah to man. It is the religion that supercedes all past divine messages, including Judaism.
Freemasonry seeks to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in its place. How can a Muslim, then, join such a society?
Islam believes in open methods and declared aims and orders its followers to be always truthful and to follow a straight path. Freemasonry shrouds itself in secrecy to cover its wicked practices. If its aims were truly to promote a better humanity, it would have come out into the open and declared its aims and policies. Only evil cloaks itself in secrecy because it wants to hide its repugnant nature."
Allah Almighty knows best.
Source: islamonline.net
Rondaan Di Pusat Perdagangan SS 7 - Jangan Jadi Mahasiswa Yang Lalai
Walaupun dah lewat pagi keadaan di situ masih segar dan bugar dengan aktiviti siswa dan siswi makan dan minum. Saya melihat berkumpulan-kumpulan siswa UiTM menghisap 'smoke in the water' di Restoran Barra. Keadaan parkir terutamanya parkir kereta penuh sehingga terpaksa park kereta di tengah-tengah jalan. Masih terdapat mahasiswa yang parking motorsikal ikut suka hati tanpa memikirkan orang lain. Terdapat juga beberapa siswi kita yang berpakaian ketat dan sendat yang mendedahkan mereka kepada jenayah sex seperti rogol, terdapat juga beberapa pasangan membuat aktiviti berdua-duaan ditempat gelap yang tersorok dicelah-celah tangga dan belakang tiang.
Dengan sukacitanya saya menasihatkan mahasiswa sekalian untuk menjauhi aktiviti makan dan minum lewat malam dan pagi. Kalau nak makan malam, makan awal-awal. Duduk kat rumah cukuplah, jangan keluar lewat malam. Ingat! ini Shah Alam, bukan hometown anda. Poskod shah alam berbeza dengan poskod hometown anda, jadi kod disini berbeza daripada di sana. Sesungguhnya harapan negara terhadap anda adalah tinggi. Negara mengharapkan kejayaan anda, jadi gunakanlah peluang belajar di UiTM sebagai agenda untuk membebaskan diri anda daripada kebodohan dengan belajar sebaik mungkin.