✔ DEVELOP an effective PFI strategy, framework and business plan for your organisation to deliver the best outcome for PFI projects.
✔ USE effective PFI model templates and procedures based on international case studies of successful PFI projects and avoid the pitfalls of unsuccessful cases
✔ IDENTIFY and select the most profitable and promising projects to ensure ROI
✔ KNOW how to monitor and benchmark PFI contractual performance to ensure continued profitability
✔ APPLY innovative and successful models of project financing and ensure transactions reach financial closure
✔ COMPETITIVELY tender for PFI contracts
✔ UNDERSTAND the goals and strategies of PFI strategies and transactions
✔ GAIN highlights of success stories and lessons learnt from Malaysia, Singapore, US and Australia. Learn from PFI practitioners who will share case studies and best practices on the latest trends and innovations in PFI projects around the region
✔ OBTAIN knowledge on the use of PFI to facilitate and strengthen the delivery of infrastructure projects
✔ KNOW what are the key principles that embodied the PFI programme under the 9th MP and the way forward for Malaysia
✔ HEAR financing experts on key factors, issues and latest trends on sources of financing
✔ BENEFIT from the high level networking opportunities between government, regulators, legal and senior management executives
✔ LEARN to effectively manage government relations and build stakeholders value to secure successful long-term partnerships in PFI projects