Tuesday, February 14, 2023

What is MeanStack?

MEAN stack is a collection of JavaScript-based technologies used for developing web applications. MEAN is an acronym that stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js. These four technologies work together to provide a full-stack development environment for building dynamic web applications. MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in a document-oriented format. ExpressJS is a framework for building web applications in Node.js. AngularJS is a client-side framework that allows developers to build dynamic and interactive web applications. Node.js is a server-side platform that allows developers to build scalable and high-performance web applications using JavaScript. Together, these technologies form a complete solution for building modern web applications.

What is NodeJS?

NodeJS is a server-side JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It enables developers to run JavaScript on the server-side and build scalable and high-performance applications. It provides an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, and it is used to build web applications, APIs, command-line tools, and even desktop applications. It has a vast ecosystem of open-source modules and packages available through NPM (Node Package Manager), which allows developers to easily build and scale applications.

What is Selenium?

Selenium is a free and open-source software suite used for automating web browsers. It can simulate user actions on a web page, such as clicking links, filling out forms, and submitting data. Selenium provides a set of tools and libraries for writing automated tests in various programming languages such as Java, Python, and Ruby. It is widely used in software testing and quality assurance to ensure the functionality and performance of web applications across different browsers and platforms.

What is Appium?

Appium is an open-source automation tool for testing mobile applications, both native and hybrid, on iOS and Android platforms. It allows developers and testers to write automated tests using a variety of programming languages and test frameworks, and provides access to the device's internal APIs and app content, enabling comprehensive testing.