Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Borderless Applications: The Disruption Stops HERE! : Performance Matters

Application outages and performance glitches plague our daily lives. As applications become more collaborative and are accessed globally, businesses will need to ensure they are well-equipped to manage user performance and eliminate outages in order to compete. Understanding application performance and user experience for these types of transactions is critical. Today, applications have a direct impact on company revenues, customer satisfaction and brand perception. However, being able to manage the business application’s performance has become a difficult task for IT operations, due to:
  • increasingly complex and distributed application architectures
  • application usage that spans globally
  • an explosion in the types of devices and browsers.
In order for businesses to thrive and increase market share, they need to be innovative, use cutting-edge technology and market themselves in sophisticated ways. How can critical business applications be managed without increasing budgets and hiring more people? IT operations play an enormous role in ensuring business success. IT is the “mother ship” for managing the day-to-day business operations. It plays a pivotal role in helping the business change to meet the demands of today’s users.

IT managers and their business counterparts need to differentiate themselves from the competition without adding resources, and even producing more with less. Three questions come to mind when seeking solutions to achieve business transformation, competitive differentiation and growth in revenue:

  • How does IT align itself to meet business needs?
  • How can IT capitalize on what’s already in place and innovate without adding cost or overhead?
  • How will IT meet customer application performance expectations, maximizing revenue opportunities while safeguarding the corporate brand?

The impact on the business can be great if IT is ill-equipped to ensure performance meets user demands. If we look back in time to see how IT and business owners have operated, we can see how drastically people, process and technology have changed and where they are headed in the future.

As the business delivers new revenue-generating applications to its customers, IT is looking to optimize cost and increase efficiencies through the adoption of new process, new technologies and new tools. Furthermore, ensuring high performance for newly adopted technologies becomes a “must,” due to the threat of competition and loss of revenue. End-to-end application performance management becomes critical to both IT and business counterparts, with the need to track, measure, identify and fix issues prior to users feeling the effects of poor performance. End-to-end visibility must be achieved no matter where the application resides: external, internal or cloud-based.

Therefore, the critical driver for ensuring that performance meets user demands is the ability to manage the application across the entire application delivery chain anywhere around the globe. An end-to-end application performance management solution that can easily extend to managing new technologies provides a foundation for IT and business counterparts to collaborate and address performance issues quickly and meet business demands. This blog posting is the first of 3 blogs to follow that provides insight into the shift in application performance management by IT operations in three key areas:

1. Application architectures

2. Zone of responsibility

3. Customer expectations

In addition, the series of blogs will provide insight into how best to ensure applications spanning across all boundaries of enterprise and the Internet can successfully be monitored and managed to meet the needs of the business.

The unique advantage of Force10 Command Line Interface (CLI) that is nearly identical to Cisco’s

SAN JOSE, Calif., February 24, 2010 – Force10 Networks, Inc., the global technology leader that data centers, service providers and enterprises rely on when the network is their business, today announced an aggressive new promotion that incents HP resellers to continue to offer a standards-based alternative to Cisco. Resellers that want to offer best-of-breed Ethernet networking solutions from Force10 will receive an improved margin and a lower-priced competitive solution than a comparable Cisco 6500 configuration.

“We’ve seen ongoing channel disruption since Cisco introduced its Unified Computing System / blade server technology in 2009. It intensified this week with the announcement that Cisco will terminate its channel alliance with HP. We see a fast-emerging opportunity to build relationships with partners that now need an alternative to Cisco,” said Andrew Stewart, vice president, worldwide channels and sales operations at Force10 Networks.

Under the new program, Force10 will help resellers and distribution partners like Bell Micro, Tech Data and NHR to define attractive best-of-breed solutions geared for the data center, 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) and video applications.

Force10’s high density and resilient Ethernet switching and routing solutions are standards-based and offer the unique advantage of Command Line Interface (CLI) that is nearly identical to Cisco’s, thereby enabling seamless insertion. Moreover, Force10’s power and cooling metrics are up to 80% lower than Cisco’s comparable products. Also, the total cost of ownership (TCO) of Force10’s non-blocking line-rate solutions offer significant savings, ranging from thousands to millions of dollars over typical depreciation schedules used by enterprises today.

Industry Transition Opportunity

Called the “C300 Play-to-Win,” the promotion is designed to exploit the large installed base of Cisco’s Catalyst 6509 chassis, which has now reached end of life. Under terms of the promotion that runs through the end of September 2010, Force10 will sell at a lower price its chassis-based C-Series C300 switch against any new Cisco 6500 Series chassis. Moreover, authorized reseller partners who generate more than $1 million in qualified C300 switch net sales to Force10 will receive an additional 10 percent cash rebate.

According to Force10, its C300 chassis solution surpasses the density and switching performance of the Catalyst 6509, supporting 384 line rate GbE ports and 64 line rate 10 GbE ports, in the same footprint as the Catalyst 4510R. The C300’s compact design allows customers to support more network capacity with less space while reducing cooling and power costs.

For Force10 authorized resellers who would like more information, please log in to our Partner Portal. If you are not a Force10 authorized reseller but would like to join, please register here.

About Force10 Networks

Force10 Networks is the global technology leader that data center, service provider and enterprise customers rely on when the network is their business. The company’s high performance solutions are designed to deliver new economics by virtualizing and automating Ethernet networks. Force10’s high density and resilient Ethernet switching and routing products increase network availability, agility and efficiency while reducing power and cooling costs. Force10 provides 24x7 service and support capabilities to its global customer base in more than 60 countries worldwide. For more information on Force10 Networks, please visit www.force10networks.com.

(Source : Force10 Networks: News: Press Releases)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Facebook users hit 500 million!

SAN FRANCISCO, July 22 (Bernama) Facebook now has some 500 million active users, a milestone that strengthened its position as the world's largest and popluar social networking website, said the chief executive officer and the co-founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg.

"As of Wednesday (July 21) morning, 500 million people all around the world are actively using Facebook to stay connected with their friends and the people around them," China's Xinhua news agency quoted Zuckerberg as saying, adding that the number of Facebook users doubled in the past year.

Its users hit the 250 million mark in July 2009.

To celebrate the new milestone, the website is launching a new application called Facebook Stories where users can share their stories and read hundreds of others, categorized by themes and locations around the world, Zuckerberg announced in the blog post. Founded in February 2004, Facebook is now a privately held company and is headquartered in Palo Alto, California.

(Source : Facebook users hit 500 million)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Melayu jangan lupa diri - Dato' Prof. Dr. Ir. Sahol Hamid (Naib Canselor UiTM)

SETIAP daripada 54 tahun sejarah kewujudan Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) adalah merupakan suatu perjuangan menonjolkan imej positif dan peranan utamanya kepada umum. Sehingga ke hari ini pun perjuangan itu diteruskan. Dari sebuah dewan latihan pada 1956 dan kini menjadi salah sebuah universiti utama negara, sudah banyak perubahan yang berlaku kepada universiti ini, namun falsafah asalnya masih sama dan tidak berubah. Universiti ini masih percaya bahawa anak-anak Melayu dan bumiputera kita, di sebalik latar belakang kekurangan dan kemiskinannya, jika diberi peluang untuk belajar, mereka mampu untuk bersaing dengan mana-mana kaum, dan mampu mengubah nasib keluarga mereka serta destini bangsanya. Dalam sejarah 54 tahun itu juga, UiTM telah melahirkan hampir 400,000 graduan yang kini mengisi keperluan tenaga profesional di seluruh pelosok negara. Ramai juga yang telah berjaya menjadi peneraju kepada industri di dalam mahu pun di luar negara.

Sewaktu para graduan ini menjadi pelajar, soal keselesaan tempat tinggal dan keenakan makan minum bukanlah menjadi utama mereka, begitu juga ia bukan agenda utama universiti. Apa yang diutamakan ialah graduan yang dilahirkan adalah berkualiti, penuh keinsafan tentang keperluan bangsanya serta mampu berdikari dalam kehidupan masing-masing. UiTM telah membuktikan, walaupun dalam kekurangan tempat tinggal yang selesa, kualiti graduan yang dikeluarkan adalah bermutu tinggi. Justeru, saya agak risau apabila ada segelintir ibu bapa sekarang yang merungut secara terbuka tentang ketidakselesaan tempat tinggal anak mereka semasa belajar di UiTM. Namun, bagi pihak pengurusan UiTM, kita memang telah menjangka akan timbulnya rungutan sebegini. Ini adalah kerana, di dalam usaha UiTM mempercepatkan penambahan cerdik-pandai bumiputera, banyak pihak terpaksa berkorban keselesaannya.

Berdasarkan pencapaian UiTM selama ini pihak kerajaan telah memberi kepercayaan penuh kepada universiti ini untuk meningkatkan enrolmen pelajar melebihi 200,000 orang menjelang 2015. Jumlah terkini pelajar UiTM adalah 172,000 orang yang kini belajar di seluruh sistem UiTM di setiap negeri. Walau pun pelajarnya ramai, pihak ibu bapa tidak perlu risau tentang kualiti pendidikan anak-anak mereka kerana UiTM tidak akan sekali-kali mengabaikannya. Secara umum dan kasarnya, jika dibanding pelajar dahulu dan sekarang, keselesaan pelajar-pelajar dahulu memang lebih teruk dan daif, tetapi mereka berjaya dalam pencapaian akademik mereka. Pada pandangan saya, kejayaan seseorang dalam suasana serba kekurangan itu akan lebih bermakna jika berbanding dengan sesuatu pencapaian yang didapati dalam suasana mewah dan mudah.

Apabila seseorang graduan UiTM yang kini telah berjaya menoleh ke belakang ia akan menghargai pahit getir yang pernah dilaluinya. Mereka akan menjadi seorang insan yang bersyukur. Insya-Allah, jika kita semua bersabar dan berpandangan positif, segala susah payah itu jugalah yang akan menjadi pengajaran berguna kepada mereka yang mahu belajar. Kita sedar, perubahan telah banyak berlaku. Pihak pengurusan UiTM dan ibu bapa berkongsi hasrat yang sama iaitu mahukan siswa-siswi kita mempunyai suasana tempat tinggal dan juga pembelajaran yang sempurna. Kesusahan yang dialami kini hanya bersifat sementara, kerana usaha berterusan sedang dijalankan untuk menambah kemudahan, terutamanya penginapan di seluruh sistem UiTM. Pihak UiTM tidak menafikan wujudnya kesesakan terutamanya pada minggu-minggu pertama pengajian. Tujuan UiTM memaksimumkan pengajian pelajar untuk tinggal di kolej-kolej kediaman adalah untuk meminimumkan jumlah pelajar menyewa di luar kampus.

Dalam suasana kesesakan kampus seperti di UiTM, ibu bapa mesti sedar yang kemudahan yang diberi adalah percuma. Maka itu kita janganlah terlalu cerewet tentang sedikit kekurangan yang mungkin timbul. Malah kita perlu bersyukur kerana masih ramai siswa yang tidak mendapat tempat. Saya mengesyorkan agar ibu bapa yang mampu menyewa rumah di luar kampus untuk anak-anak mereka untuk berbuat demikian. Ini adalah supaya pihak UiTM boleh memberi tempat yang kosong itu kepada pelajar-pelajar yang amat memerlukan. Dalam pengamatan dan pengalaman saya menguruskan sebuah universiti seperti UiTM ini, ramai orang kita yang lupa tanggung jawab kita bersama sebagai orang Melayu. Dalam keadaan kita senang, kita lupa akan keperluan orang lain dan kita lebih mementingkan diri sendiri. Perasaan sebegini mestilah dihapuskan.

Orang Melayu mesti sanggup berkorban demi untuk pembangunan bangsanya. Kita perlu bersatu dalam banyak hal. Orang yang berada mesti bantu yang berkurangan agar bangsa kita akan sama-sama naik mencapai puncak kecemerlangan.Ibu bapa juga mungkin tidak menyedari yang peranan UiTM bukan sekadar mendidik pelajarnya sahaja. Sebaliknya tujuan yang tersirat pula adalah untuk meramaikan golongan berpendidikan tinggi dari kalangan kaum bumiputera di negara sendiri. Mungkin ibu bapa juga tidak sedar bahawa hanya 30 peratus daripada jumlah pelajar yang memasuki universiti di negara ini terdiri dari kaum bumiputera. Cuba bayangkan jika tiada UiTM ini, atau jumlah pelajar yang diambilnya diperkecilkan, apakah yang akan terjadi kepada anak-anak bangsa kita?

Maka itu, janganlah kita lupa siapa kita dan siapa bangsa kita. "Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan". Itulah slogan yang sentiasa dipegang dan dijunjung oleh pengurusan UiTM. Kerana mendahulukan rakyat, UiTM mengambil ramai pelajar agar lebih banyak peluang diberikan kepada pelajar-pelajar Melayu dan bumiputera yang telah lulus dengan baik di peringkat SPM/STPM/Diploma. Seandainya UiTM mengurangkan pengambilan pelajar maka terjejaslah peluang pengajian tinggi kepada anak-anak Melayu dan bumiputera. Perlu diingat bahawa kewujudan UiTM ialah untuk memberikan pendidikan agar bangsa Melayu dan bumiputera berada pada kedudukan ekonomi yang seimbang dengan bangsa-bangsa lain. Kerana itulah, UiTM seboleh mungkin menawarkan tempat kepada mereka untuk menimba ilmu.

Mundurnya bangsa Melayu ialah kerana kita tidak bersatu, bukan kerana tiada tempat untuk tinggal. Kita tidak mahu melihat ada bangsa Melayu sendiri yang tidak mahu melihat lebih ramai anak bangsanya berjaya bersama UiTM. Saya berharap, pelajar-pelajar yang mendapat tempat belajar di UiTM, belajarlah dengan bersungguh-sungguh, kerana pencarian ilmu saudara-saudari adalah satu perjuangan mengubah destini anak bangsa. Jadikan susah payah kini sebagai motivasi utama pendorong kejayaan untuk masa hadapan

(Sumber : Utusan Malaysia Online - Forum)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


The do and the don't di sepanjang mengikuti program ini.

1. bersalaman - sambut menyambut. (salam esq) lelaki+lelaki, lelaki+perempuan(salam simbol)
2. ikut arahan yang diberikan oleh pengendali
3. senyapkan nada telefon anda supaya tidak menganggu orang lain
4.tepati masa kerana ia berharga
5. angkat tangan bila ingin lakukan sesuatu hatta ke kamar kecil
6. cara sahutan - lembut jwb lembut, keras jwb keras

Team Building - Pendekatan Pengurusan Pejabat Pembangunan Memantapkan Budaya Kerja Perdana UiTM

Pada hari ini sehingga jumaat ini saya berada di Kampung Gajah, Perak kerana terpaksa menghadiri program team building yang dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa Latihan, Pejabat Pembangunan, UiTM. Dalam taklimat yang disampaikan oleh En. Irwan objektif utama program ini adalah untuk mewujudkan keserasian frekuensi dalam berkerja di Pejabat Pembangunan. Justeru ia akan memantapkan budaya kerja perdana di Pejabat Pembangunan.

Sesi ice breaking dikendalikan oleh Prof. Dr. Ahmad Lotfi Ibrahim, Pengasas syarikat PYRACOSMIC dan juga modul khas 'You 'R' Special' yang telah diperkenalkan pada awal tahun 2006. Beliau juga adalah pakar motivasi dan sering dijemput sebagai tetamu khas di TV1, TV2,TV3 dan Radio 24. Diantara client beliau ialah Angkasa, Kolej Komuniti, TNB, STMB, Felda, Sekolah dan banyak lagi. Beliau juga pengamal perubatan alternatif.

Ujar beliau memulakan ice breaking "kita sebenarnya rapuh. Bila-bila masa kita boleh pergi  berjumpa Ilahi, sesungguhnya ujar beliau lagi "jodoh, ajal maut dan pertemuan berada ditangan Tuhan." Ada rahsia disebalik segala kejadian yang berlaku kepada kita.

Berikut adalah cerita beliau semasa mengendalikan sesi ice breaking. 

Pecahkan benteng M - Merajuk, Malas, Main, Manja,Malu hancurkan tembok L- Lemah, Lambat, Liat, Lesu. Kita disini hanyalah untuk berkongsi pengalaman, bukan untuk belajar. Kita belajar sama-sama. Saling berkongsi pengalaman. Manusia tetap manusia, dimanapun kita berada sifat kemanusiaan tetap sama, cuma jawatan sahaja yang berbeza tetapi tanggungjawab kepada Tuhan tetap sama.

Setiap individu dalam sesuatu organisasi bertanggungjawab dan berperanan mengikut tugas masing-masing. Makin besar gaji makin besar tanggungjawab, kadang-kadang kerana gaji terlalu besar dan tugas di pejabat juga besar, sekejap di US, kemudian ke UK, lepas itu ke Jepun, masa untuk keluarga tiada, kesannya perhubungan keluarga jadi rengang, anak-anak terabai kerana mengejar wang. Justeru janganlah meletakan wang per se dalam hidup.

Diakui, hidup dibandar semuanya pakai wang, bermula start kereta, turun kereta dan parking sehingga buang air pun kena pakai wang, insuran pun pakai wang, jika berlaku kemalangan langgar belakang kena bayar dan guna wang lagi. Kesimpulannya dibandar semua kena bayar dan memerlukan wang. Tapi janganlah meletakan wang sebagai matlamat utama hidup.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Nasihat VC kepada Mahasiswa dan Mahasiswi Yang Baru Mendaftar

Dato Ir Prof Dr Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar mengucapkan tahniah kepada semua siswa siswi UiTM lepasan Diploma & Ijazah yang baru mendaftar. Nasihat beliau, jadikan langkah pertama ke UiTM sebagai permulaan dalam kehidupan menggapai cita-cita di masa hadapan seterusnya MENGUBAH DESTINI ANDA & KELUARGA. Beliau mendoakan semoga ibu bapa sentiasa bersama ANDA SEMUA.UiTM SENTIASA DI HATIKU.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Cisco and Teliti Collaborate on Green Data Center Model in Malaysia - MarketWatch

Unified and Energy-Efficient Data Centre Aims to Meet Future Demand

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, Jul 01, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Cisco today announced its collaboration toward a green data center with Teliti Datacenters (Teliti), a locally owned systems integrator, at the inaugural Cisco Summit Malaysia 2010. Under this collaboration, Cisco will share data center best practices and work with Teliti as it develops a business model for data center management and a governance structure that enables Teliti to achieve world-class standards for data centre infrastructure technology in Malaysia.

The state-of-the-art data center facility that Teliti intends to build with the help of Cisco will enable Teliti to host and provide a comprehensive portfolio of information technology (IT) solutions and services with lower energy consumption and less impact on the environment. The collaboration demonstrates a commitment by both companies to drive the adoption of green technology in line with Malaysia's ambition to reduce the country's carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2012. The 120,000-square-foot facility will be located at the Enstek high-technology business park, on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur.

"The data centre is the heartbeat of any organization and also one of the biggest consumers of energy in the company. A 'green' data center will not only provide the organization with a strong strategic advantage with the new efficiencies it could generate but also help it align with the Malaysian government's environmental goals. Cisco's collaboration with Teliti is part of our contribution to this national agenda," said Anne Abraham, managing director of Cisco Malaysia, at the launch of Cisco Summit Malaysia 2010, where the collaboration was formalized.

Besides capitalizing on its strong systems integration expertise, Teliti stands to build on Cisco's next-generation data centre network architecture to create a unified, highly available and energy-efficient data centre. Some of the key services that will be provided include co-location, connectivity and hosted services, with a wide range of managed services such as security, disaster recovery and business continuity.

"Teliti's green data centre will be built in line with the Malaysian government's Green Building Index and allows us to rapidly capture the growing opportunities in today's marketplace as businesses are increasingly deploying IT services to reduce capital expenditure, optimize operating expenses, and fulfill their environmental responsibility. Working with the global leader in networking technologies helps establish the competitiveness we need in delivering excellent services and support to all our customers, both local and international. We believe that our collaboration with Cisco will appeal to businesses, particularly the multinationals that need to comply with increasingly stringent environmental requirements. Our green data centre resonates well with the government's goal to position Malaysia as a regional IT hub and a top destination for foreign investment," said Tuan Haji Mohamed Nasir Abdul Majid, Managing Director, Teliti Computers.

Cisco Services helps businesses realize the full value of IT investments by aligning technology with their business strategy to capitalize on market transitions, support business transformation, and accelerate growth. Services also prepare the infrastructure so organizations can take advantage of the technical advances that enable competitive differentiation and advantage.

"Our role is to help Teliti quickly achieve its objectives while mitigating the risk of a brand-new infrastructure. This collaboration provides an opportunity for Cisco Services to expand our horizons in Malaysia, seeing that more and more companies are beginning to prioritize IT initiatives that allow their organizations to scale up to speed," said Steven Weeks, vice president, Cisco Services Asia Pacific.

This green data centre incorporates a reliable and fully redundant power supply to enable 99.999 percent uptime to all equipment, and smart cooling systems to suit the local climate. The building sports an environmentally friendly exterior, and utilizes solar energy and rainwater harvesting into its day-to-day operations.

The initial development phase of the first 45,000 square feet is targeted for completion by December 2011 and is expected to achieve an overall 30 to 40 percent reduction in carbon emissions. Teliti is also planning to extend its services reach into the regional market, targeting Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong, when the green data centre is fully operational. Cisco will work with a rich ecosystem of partners to deliver these solutions and technologies to Teliti.

The collaboration towards a transformational data center with Teliti reaffirms Cisco's commitment to providing businesses in Malaysia with access to technologies and solutions that provide better integration between people, knowledge and ideas anytime and anywhere. These technologies include collaboration, borderless networks, video and virtualization tools.

About Cisco, the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate, this year celebrates 25 years of technology innovation, operational excellence and corporate social responsibility. Information about Cisco can be found at http://www.cisco.com. For ongoing news, please go to http://newsroom.cisco.com. Cisco products are supplied in Malaysia by Cisco Systems International, BV, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cisco Systems, Inc.

Cisco, the Cisco logo and Cisco Systems are registered trademarks or trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. This document is Cisco Public Information.

(Source - Cisco and Teliti Collaborate on Green Data Center Model in Malaysia - MarketWatch)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

ISO/IEC 27001:2005

ISO/IEC 27001:2005 covers all types of organizations (e.g. commercial enterprises, government agencies, not-for profit organizations). ISO/IEC 27001:2005 specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving a documented Information Security Management System within the context of the organization's overall business risks. It specifies requirements for the implementation of security controls customized to the needs of individual organizations or parts thereof.

ISO/IEC 27001:2005 is designed to ensure the selection of adequate and proportionate security controls that protect information assets and give confidence to interested parties.

ISO/IEC 27001:2005 is intended to be suitable for several different types of use, including the following:

  • use within organizations to formulate security requirements and objectives;
  • use within organizations as a way to ensure that security risks are cost effectively managed;
  • use within organizations to ensure compliance with laws and regulations;
  • use within an organization as a process framework for the implementation and management of controls to ensure that the specific security objectives of an organization are met;
  • definition of new information security management processes;
  • identification and clarification of existing information security management processes;
  • use by the management of organizations to determine the status of information security management activities;
  • use by the internal and external auditors of organizations to determine the degree of compliance with the policies, directives and standards adopted by an organization;
  • use by organizations to provide relevant information about information security policies, directives, standards and procedures to trading partners and other organizations with whom they interact for operational or commercial reasons;
  • implementation of business-enabling information security;
  • use by organizations to provide relevant information about information security to customers.